標題: | 我國生物晶片廠商策略聯盟與競爭優勢之研究 A Study of Strategic Alliances and Competitive Advantages of the Biochip firms in Taiwan |
作者: | 沈志剛 Chih-Kang Shen 吳元功 York Y. Wu 經營管理研究所 |
關鍵字: | 生物晶片;競爭優勢;策略聯盟;Biochip;Competitive Advantages;Strategic Alliances |
公開日期: | 2000 |
摘要: | 摘 要 生物科技是繼電子資訊產業之後,二十一世紀最具發展潛力的高科技產業。尤其是在「人類基因圖譜草圖」公佈後,帶動全球發展生物科技的另一波高潮。國內由於半導體產業發達,而且有許多生物技術及微機電人才,若能整合機械、光電、生化等多方面的技術與經驗,台灣將有機會角逐全球生物晶片市場。 本研究嘗試以個案分析的方式,藉由策略連聯盟與競爭優勢的觀點,來探討台灣生物晶片廠商如何經由策略聯盟獲得資源,進而轉成經營能力以建立競爭優勢並訂定營運策略。 研究內容主要針對目前在市場上實際營運的三家生物晶片廠商:微晶生技、晶宇生技、台灣基因公司進行訪談,再輔以次級資料的蒐集分析,並根據美國生物晶片市場演進與現況,進一步深入分析我國生物晶片市場未來展望,最後提出經營管理建議供有意從事生物晶片製造的廠商參考。 從研究的結果發現,台灣生物晶片廠商的競爭優勢,在於中研院提供生物晶片製作及資料分析技術;工研院在產品商業化途徑上也提供了很大的幫助。再者,由於國內的教育體制,培養了許多深具學理基礎和實驗技術的研究人才與製造工程師,此為發展生物晶片產業不可或缺的要素。若能配合鼓勵歐美華裔生物科技專家回國貢獻,則對國內推動生物晶片產業來說,無非是一項極大的助益。 然而,國內廠商雖擁有高素質的專業人才,但較缺乏產品開發和商業化的能力,尤其是欠缺國際化行銷的經驗與能力。在全球市場未有明顯進入障礙之前,國內廠商應可配合政府政策,結合研究單位的研發創新能力,及半導體、微機電廠商的生產技術,朝整合型生物晶片主流發展,以特有疾病為研發方向,慎選策略聯盟夥伴確保技術不落人後並且廣闢行銷通路,則在全球生物晶片市場上必大有作為。 ABSTRACT Biotechnology is one of the most potential high-tech industries for the 21st century. Especially, human genome draft was published. The subject of this study is to examine how the biochip firms build competitive advantages through the resources acquired from strategic alliances. This study was carried by interviewing managers of three biochip companies in Taiwan: U-Vision Biotech Inc., DR. Chip Biotech Inc. and Taiwan Genome Sciences Inc. and collecting second class information and then analysis the future of biochip marketplace in Taiwan. Finally, I have some suggestion for someone who wants to operate a biochip company. The results of this study indicates that the competitive advantages of Taiwan’s biochip firms are: Academia Sinica provided technologies of making biochip and data analysis and the Industrial Technology Research Institute gave so much help in product commercialization. Furthermore, there are many well-educated researchers and production engineers here. It is very important that they collaborated with foreign Chinese biotech experts in developing biochip. Biochip companies should cooperate with research institutes, semiconductor and micro-electronic-mechanical workers to develop new generation biochips and make attention on particular Asia diseases for research then they would have the chance to make success. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/67461 |
顯示於類別: | 畢業論文 |