Title: | 台灣半導體產業生態形成之研究 A Study of Formation Process of Taiwan's Semiconductor Insudtry Ecology |
Authors: | 李志忠 Chi-Chung Lee 楊千 Chyan Yang 經營管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 產業生態;價值鏈;產業群聚;技術移轉與擴散;產業政策;industry ecology;value chain;industry cluster;technology transfer and diffusion;industry policy |
Issue Date: | 2000 |
Abstract: | 半導體(Semiconductor)產業是「電子工業」的重要上游產業。它的範圍涵蓋了大家所熟知的產品:資訊、通訊、消費性電子、工業電子、運輸用電子、國防電子;這些產品功能的進步與產業的成長,不但提升了人類生活的品質,同時也引領了資訊化社會的來臨。 本研究藉由廣泛的文獻探討和半導體產業發展歷史回顧,以產業群聚、產業價值鏈、產業變遷、政府的政策與角色和技術的移轉與擴散,對台灣半導體產業生態的形成,予以分析探討。研究結論如下: 1.台灣半導體產業的成功,至少包含以下幾個因素:政府的介入、高素質的人力資源、政府設立工研院電子所的成功、技術移轉與技術擴散的成功、科學園區的設立、制度環境的輔助、充分利用台灣的核心能力等,是在這許多因素下共同交互影響的結果。 2.台灣早期決定在政府的政策支持下發展積體電路技術,受到本國環境與國際環境的影響。就本國環境因素而言,當時行政當局便決定以電子業轉型為台灣跨向技術升級的重要策略;就國際環境而言,美國在世界半導體市場佔有率節節下降,因此開始將略為過時的技術移轉出去;進而促使台灣具有垂直分工的半導體產業結構和完整的價值鏈體系。 3.廠商的群聚將使得人才和技術充分擴散交流,並在制度環境的配合下,將可藉由新竹科學園區的成功經驗,在其他地區發展出另一個半導體產業生態。 4.台灣的半導體產業以代工業為主,現階段應該思考的是如何創造產業更高的附加價值,而非著重於眼前的利潤,畢竟長期趨勢的了解,重於短期現象的解釋,才能使我國在半導體產業中無論技術或產值,均能長久處於領先世界的地位。 Semiconductor industry is important headstream of electronic industry. It includes computer, communication, consumer, military, transportation and industrial electronic products. The advanced product function and growing industrial not only promote human□s life quality but also introduce information society oncoming. This study starts with wide literate analysis and historical development review of semiconductor industry and focus on industry cluster, industry value chain, industry revolution, government□s policy and role, technology transfer and diffusion to analyze formation process of Taiwan□s semiconductor industry. The conclusions are as follows. 1. The success factors of Taiwan□s semiconductor industry involve government intervention, high quality human resource, constitute ERSO, technology transfer and diffusion, build scientific park, institution environment and core competence. 2.At the beginning of development, Taiwan□s government decide to develop IC technology, which is caused by domestic and international environment, and causes to build complete vertical disintegration of semiconductor industry structure and value chain system. 3.Firms cluster causes human and technology to diffuse based on institution environment and success experience of Hsin-Chu Science Park, and duplicate semiconductor industry ecology in the other place. 4.Taiwan□s semiconductor industry is concentrated on OEM. We should consider how to create added-value of industry, but not emphasize short-term profit, then stand on the front-runner position of technology and manufacturing value. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/67489 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |