標題: 應用音樂性聲音訊號傳達訊息屬性的可能性研究-以行動電話之“聽聲辨人”為例
Using Musical Sounds as Element of Audio Icons to Identify
作者: 莊雅量
Ya-liang Chuang
Ming-Chen Chuang
關鍵字: 聲音訊號;人因工程;聽覺經驗;音色;節奏;音形;調性;行動電話;human factor;musical experience;music tones;timbre;rhythm;contour;key;melody
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 美妙的樂音,屢屢飄揚在我們生活周遭,讓多愁善感的心,時時擁有豐富的情懷,享受每分每秒的自在生活。然而,在資訊社會的快速發展裡,人們心理層面的欲求,似乎長期受到設計師的忽視,以致於放眼望去,盡是冰冷的機器叢林,沒有絲毫的生意。基於對此的覺醒,本研究致力於了解人們對於音樂性聲音訊號的知覺與感覺經驗。以行動電話的“聽聲辨人”功能為例,透過系統性的研究方法,歸納出可資運用的設計想法,提供介面設計師,豐富人與產品的互動經驗。 本研究共進行了一個小規模的使用者深入訪談,二個聲音訊號的知覺與感覺實驗,以及一個來電者群屬SD調查的實驗。 首先,我們針對行動電話使用者,所進行的小規模使用者深度訪談,來了解人際之間在行動通訊中的來往情形、人們對於聽聲辨人的使用情形與期望、並廣泛收集人們的聽覺經驗等,作為本研究發展的背景知識。進一步將此調查的資料分析、整理,並就教於音樂專家後,我們選擇了音樂性聲音訊號作為探討的主題,並以音色、節奏、音形與調性為因變項,來設計本研究的實驗。 在第一個聲音訊號的實驗裡,我們挑選了廣為人們熟悉的14種音色,透過專家的協助,利用電子合成器製作高品質的聲音樣本。並撰寫互動式的實驗程式,讓受測者在輕鬆的心情下,完成每一個音色的樣本在21個形容詞對的意象調查,以及兩音色樣本間的差異性知覺評比。兩者的資料,分別採用因子分析和MDS分析,來進行討論。在R2=90.29的三因子結果中,歸納出三個意象因子,分別是:情感表現與變化性、愉悅感與活潑性、熱鬧與力度感。另一方面,經由MDS的分析,我們也在R2=91.22的基礎上,建構出音色在3度認知空間的分布情形,並從中討論音色之間的區辨性。 在第二個實驗中,我們以節奏、音形與調性為三個因變項,從文獻資料與專家諮詢中,各挑選了6種節奏型態、5種音形、以及2個調子,組合並製作成60個聲音樣本。基本上,我們採用了與實驗一相同的方法,來探討人們對於旋律的知覺與感覺經驗。在R2=75.01的五因子結果中,歸納出五個意象因子,分別是:情感表現與變化性、柔和與悠閒、愉悅與熱鬧、陽剛、簡潔等。在旋律的知覺方面,我們則得到一個R2=54的六度空間MDS結果。在本實驗中,我們發現“音形”對於人們的區辨知覺與意象感覺,都扮演著主要的影響因素。此外,從兩者的對照分析中,我們推論出一些人們聽覺經驗中,知覺與感覺經驗之間,所存在的相關性。綜合這兩個實驗,我們發現音色與音形將可以有效地協助設計師, 創作具有豐富意義性,又有彼此區辨性的聲音訊號,作為行動電話中的來電者響鈴,或者其他的應用性。 最後,我們以同樣的SD調查方法,針對25個普遍的來電者群屬,收集來電者的意象屬性。透過系統性的分析,將此三個實驗的結果,加以比對與討論後,歸納出音色、旋律設計、以及來電者之間可行的配對關係,以作為應用本研究的結果,於行動電話之響鈴設計的參考資料。經由意義性、區辨性與悅耳性三個方向對於聲音訊號的探討,我們深信本研究所歸納出來的參考資料,將有助於提升人們對於電話響鈴的實用性與滿意度。
Listening to music is the most richest experience we enjoy in our daily life. But what could we embed this media in designing pleasure human computer interaction? In this research, we began with a small group user interview to understand people’s listening experience as our base knowledge. With this user study and musicians’ consultation, we define timber, rhythm, contour, and key as variations for designing experiments. In the first experiment, we studied the distinction and feeling of 14 timbres by asking subjects to compare the similarity between each pair of timbres and to make a SD rating to each timbre. The data were analyzed by a factor analysis and an MDS analysis. In factor analysis with R2=90.29, the image scales can be reduced into three factors: “uniformity-variation,” “joyful-blue,” and “animated-quiet.” The MDS analysis concludes a 3-dimensional perceptual space with R2=91.22. The result also shows that most timbres can be clearly distinguished with each other and are strongly associated with some specific meanings and feelings. In the second experiment, we adopt the three key element of melody, which are rhythm, contour, and key, as our variables to making sound samples. And we use the same method to getting data as in first experiment. By analyzing with the technique of factor analysis and MDS, we figure out the perceptual space solution of five factors with R2=75.01, these factors are “amiable-strange”, “rushing-restful”, “exhilarated-calm”, “eastiron-tender”, and “complex-simple”. We also conform a solution of six dimensions for MDS analysis with R2=54.01, and there are some common imagine between these two analysis. In this experiment, we found contour as a key part on the perception of melody. In all of our studying of music, there seems some conformation of the perceptual space by MDS analysis and the factors obtained by factor analysis. This revealed an interesting effect of our perception and sensation on music tones. This result proves that the timbres and contour can be effectively used for designing music tones in caller identification or other applications. Finally, we establish another experiment of the SD survey of 25 callers, this work is doing for collecting the attribute of callers for matching auditory icons for them. With the same method and comparing with these three studying, we have great confidence in applying this study on cell phone and propose a list of guide for designing auditory icons for caller identity.