Title: 通訊用耳機供應鏈分析
An Supply Chain Analysis of Communication Headset
Authors: 林金正
Chin-Cheng Lin
Ching-En Lee
Keywords: 通訊用耳機;全球運籌管理;供應鏈管理;Communication Headset;Global Logistic Management;Supply Chain Management
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 自3I’s(Internationalization, Integration, and Information)觀點逐漸盛行後,資訊資源的使用、企業間的整合,以及全球化企業的觀點,便開始影響到企業的運作方式與策略。尤其當Internet得以應用於商業用途之後,許多製造與行銷產業便開始引用,以即時資訊來輔助跨地域之企業進行決策的方式;更甚者,已有許多學者與企業認為,透過資訊分享的方式,不但可以強化企業間的合作關係、達成綜效、形成一個實體分散但邏輯上一體的供應鏈體系,更可以快速反應客戶的需求狀況。因此,對製造業而言,在資訊資源與企業整合逐漸成熟的情況下,未來將進入所謂全球分工的時代,全球化供應鏈成為必然的發展趨勢與思考方向。
Since telecommunication industry grew up dramatically, the product characteristics of communication headset has evolved from functional product to innovative product and global logistic system and build to order system also become the critical factors.
By using the case study and cross analysis of the trend and results about the leading company. The result and analysis process as below will be helpful in providing communication headset provider more information for strategic making reference.
1. Using manufacturing postponement strategy to shorten the lead time of ordering point to increase flexibility.
2. Considering to establish source factory where is near to component and product providers to reduce order lead time, inventory and transportation cost.
Appears in Collections:Thesis