Title: 台灣通訊產業創業關鍵成功因素研究-以A公司為例
A Study of Key Success Factors for Start Up Companies in Taiwan Communications Industry-The Case Study of A Company
Authors: 陳金勇
Jim Chen
Po-Young Chu
Keywords: 台灣通訊產業;創業關鍵成功因素;創業策略;核心能力;創業靠山;產、銷、研、人、資、財;Taiwan Communications Industry;Key success factors of start up companies;Strategies from the start up stage;Core competence;Anchor;Production, Marketing, Human resources, R&D, Information, Finance
Issue Date: 2000
Abstract: 從過去的文獻探討中發現對於「台灣通訊產業」與「創業關鍵成功因素」兩者相結合的文獻極少,再者因為研究者本身為此產業中的創業家,對於此類的議題有高度的研究動機。 加上通訊產業環境變動快速,故本研究擬探討, 在眾多的通訊產業創業者中,挑選創業成功而公開發行上市的對象,再針對其創業成功的過程進行個案研究。 由於這個研究問題包含的層面廣泛,亦需進行文獻探討、專家訪談。藉由個案研究後發現,以下四項創業成功之關鍵因素: 1.在創業策略上需專注且持久。 2.優良之創業團隊建立核心能力:由於通訊產業的特性使得完成一項產品的複雜度相當高,必須建立技術之領先及善用互補性資產。 3.慎選創業靠山(Anchor)並與之緊密連結:可降低降低創新公司與客戶間的總交易成本,能最快將產品推廣至消費者手中。 4.全面管理:初創時期除了技術研發,另外強調生產、銷售是公司核心的功能, 須列為第一優先強化的部分,人力資源、資訊管理、財務管理在創業初期是處於支援性功能,惟一旦公司規模不斷擴張,這支援性功能的重要性就不斷增加,此六項重要議題-「產、銷、研、人、資、財」從創業規劃期至成熟成長期都需考慮,只是各時期相對重視程度不同而已!
ABSTRACT There are few papers or theses available in Taiwan which primarily focused on studying Taiwan Communications Industry and the Key Success Factors of Start Up Companies. As the researcher has worked in the communications field in Taiwan for the pass seventeen years, this has strongly motivated the researcher to proceed this study. Additionally, the arrival of the internet era has stimulated the rapid changes of communications industry. This research first selects some public companies successfully developed since start up, and then focuses on a selected company to proceed the empirical study. It is called the A Company. Inevitably, this research covers various topics which require a lot of literature review and interviewing with high ranked people of the A Company. After this due diligence process, we have summarized the key success factors as follow: 1. Carefully formulate your strategies from the start up stage and focus until success. 2. Team up a group of complementary members to establish core competence. The communication industry is a very complicated technology field. The start up team need prepare for the challenge and build up their own core competence against other competitors with relatively abundant resources. 3. Collaborate with Anchor and work together closely. This arrangement has reduced transaction cost dramatically between the start up company and its partners. By focusing on serving its partner’s need, the alliance also speeds up the cycle time of production and marketing process. 4. Step in all aspects of company resources to reach total management. Firstly, focus on establishing the capabilities in R&D, marketing, and production. Then, managing human resources, information, and finance will be progressively implemented in the second stage. These six themes are important to start up companies for success.
Appears in Collections:Thesis