標題: IC封裝廠的選擇
The Selection of IC Package Assembly House
作者: 蘇紀彰
Su Chi-Chang
Dr. Jen-Hung Hwang
關鍵字: 層級分析法;AHP ( Analytic Hierarchy Process)
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 二十一世紀將是3C高度成長的時代,電子產品在實際應用上,莫不以「輕」、「薄」、「短」、「小」作為主要訴求,如何有效的選擇一家無論在技術、資訊、服務等層面均能符合需求的IC封裝廠,作為長期合作的伙伴,將是強化公司競爭優勢的重要課題。 面對此一個多重構面的問題,本研究以層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process,AHP ),運用問卷調查方式訪談IC業界專家,共同參與準則及其權重認定的評選工作,以建立一套客觀且簡便的評選模式。 本研究結果得出「IC封裝廠的選擇」之主要因素及其權重依序如下,相關業者可依本研究結果作為選擇IC封裝廠之應用。 (1)「品質因素」: 39.15 % (2)「成本因素」: 20.56 % (3)「交期因素」: 16.02 % (4)「營運管理因素」: 10.13 % (5)「服務因素」: 7.87 % (6)「企業 發展因素」: 6.27 %
The 21st century will be the world of the rapid growth in 3C(Consumer, Communication, Computer)electronic products. For the application of electronic products, it will be the essential requirement to be reached the function of “ light ”, “ thin ”, “ short ”, ” small “. To strengthen the competition of a semiconductor company, it’s important to select a proper IC package assembly house to meet the request on technique, information, and service. The aim of this research is to establish an objective evaluation and simple model by applying the questionnaire examination to integrate the IC assembly experts’ opinions of the criterion in selection. Besides, the method of AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)was applied to rank the relative weight of criteria when choosing IC package assembly house. The results of this research are to come out the major criteria and the weight of relative criteria as follows. It will be applied to select the IC package assembly house directly. (1)Quality :39.15 % (2)Cost:20.56 % (3)Delivery :16.02 % (4)Operation Management :10.13 % (5)Service : 7.87 % (6)Enterprise Expansion:6.27 %