標題: 電子商務環境下筆記型電腦的零件變更作業規劃
The Operation Planning Of Notebook Computer Component Engineering Change In Electronic Commerce Environment
作者: 劉大堯
Dr. Fuh-Hwa Liu
關鍵字: 工程料表;製造料表;工程變更命令;電子資料交換;資料流程圖;Engineer ing Bill of Material,E-BOM;Manufacturing Bill of Material, M-BOM;Engineering Change Order, ECO;Electronic Data Interchange, EDI;Data Flow Diagram, DFD
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 工程變更是資訊產品生命週期中無可避免且必要之程序,其中的零件變更更是企業維持資訊產品競爭力的有利因素之一。然而,充份提供管理者所需資訊,及良好的決策支援溝通工具,以解決溝通不良的問題,是提昇零件變更處理效率的先決條件。此溝通系統應具備兩方面的能力:(1)設計與製造資訊間的連結機制,以完整提供變更前後之資訊,並維持其一致性(2)提供工程變更決策程序溝通管道,以免部門間之觀點差異,造成決策程序的冗長無效率。因此,本研究從資訊系統規劃,與作業執行的觀點,提出工作經驗與看法,做為比較與參考。 在資訊系統規劃階段,利用資料流程圖規劃。此規劃方法是將變更資料,有系統的轉換為資料檔或圖檔,以免除傳統以人工轉換,所造成的設計/製造資訊的不一致及無效率。此法應用群組裝配的概念,將裝配程序考慮到途程上以縮減流程,可以簡化文書作業的處理,並且減低MRP受變更料件變動的影響;同時,這個規劃程序可以在變更前,提供有關工程變更相關料件,及變更件對排程的影響評估資訊,在變更後易於快速的更新設計與製造資訊,以維持其一致性。 在作業執行面方面,本研究提出實際作業流程之說明,提供參考。此流程是經由多項零件變更關鍵資訊的決定與提供,並且配合各軟體功能不同的考慮而決定,以提供管理者零件變更決策支援的溝通管道,有助於提昇零件變更執行之效率與決策品質。此外,經由資訊規劃面與執行面的決策支援程序之相互配合與參照,可以使零件變更在資訊及程序上,達到充分溝通的目的,進而提昇零件變更評估與執行效率,並且有助於維持設計與製造資料的一致性。
Engineering change is the essential and inevitable process to IA product. Rapid and efficient process of proceed Component change is one of favorable Engineering change factors for enterprise keep their product's competitiveness. However, the prerequisite condition that raise the efficiency of process component change is offer the component change keeper sufficient information and well communication system of decision making. This system should provide with : (1)the connect system between design and manufacture information, and consistence before and after change.(2) offer the channel of Engineering Change decision making to avoid long and inefficiency process because of individual unit disagreement of opinion. So, we offer the solution through information system planning and operation for reference. In the stage of planning, we use Data Flow Diagram (DFD).To convert change information to database or figure file, free of mistake by design and manufacture manual work. This concept contain group assemble, to shorten process and paper working also reduce the change impact on MRP system and offer the impact information of scheduling. In the stage of operation, we offer the attention of process for reference. This attention of process composed of many change operation key information and software function. It not only raise the efficiency and quality of change implement but also the communication support system of keeper's decision making. Besides, we can keep the consistence of design and manufacture data through information system planning process and implement support system.