標題: 常識管理邏輯及其管理哲學之實證研究--以台灣地區資訊產業為例
The Empirical Study of Common Sense Management in Information Industry in Taiwan
作者: 劉筱君
Liu Hsiao-Chun
Li Rong-Kewi
關鍵字: 限制理論;常識管理;Theory of Constraints;Common Sense Management
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 近年來,我國資訊產業在全球產業成長的帶動下,展現高度的成長趨勢。全球化及快速變動的環境,促使企業尋找能夠解決核心問題、維持競爭優勢的管理哲學。由Dr. Goldratt所創是限制理論(Theory of Constraints, TOC)最大的特點在於它利用簡單的常識,協助企業尋找造成核心問題的衝突背後所隱藏的錯誤假設,改變以往妥協的態度,設法達成雙贏解。本研究以黃運金先生設計之「限制理論常識管理觀念評鑑量表」對經理人作問卷調查,藉以瞭解資訊產業對於常識管理的瞭解程度及執行概況。 研究的結果顯示,當限制理論的常識管理執行程度越高時,公司營運績效越好,驗證限制理論確實能為企業帶來助益。此外,研究發現經理人員需要這樣的量表來釐清管理觀念和實際執行有落差的原因。
Recently, due to the growth of worldwide market, Taiwan’s information industry creates high growth rate yearly. The globalization and rapid change environment push companies searching for new management philosophies to resolve core problem and to maintain their competitiveness edges. The Theory of Constraints (TOC) developed by Dr. Goldratt advocates that by implementing TOC common sense solutions can provide win-win strategy for companies to maintain competitive edges. This research develops a “TOC Common Sense Management Measure Scale” to verify this advocate. The study showed that a firm gets better performance if their managers have higher TOC common sense management scale and actively implement it. This proves that TOC is a very powerful solution for business improvement. Furthermore, we also find that the managers require the measure scale to realize the gap between the perception of TOC common sense knowledge and its implementation. The gap provides them knowing where and how to improve further.