標題: 台灣TFT-LCD產業供應商評估選擇
The Application of Supplier Evaluation and Selection in Taiwan TFT-LCD Industry
作者: 黃琮斌
Tsung-Ping Huang
Chin-Fu Yang
關鍵字: 薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD);因素分析;層級分析;供應商評估;供應商選擇;TFT-LCD(Thin Film Transistors Liquid Crystal Display);Factor Analysis;Analytic Hierarchy Process;Suppliers Evaluation;Suppliers Selection
公開日期: 2001
摘要: TFT-LCD產業是一項資本、技術密集且景氣循環週期短的產業,產品需要多項零組件的配合才能完成,所以其供應商就必須有快速反應的能力、良好的生產技術、極高的品質良率及達交率,才能使此產業繼續成長;TFT-LCD產業其零組件的成本比率高達成品的70%,缺少任何一樣零組件都會使面板的生產廠商無法運作,因此,如何選擇供應商掌握此等零組件的貨源、價格與技術等,均將影響整體產業的績效。 台灣TFT-LCD產業近年來的蓬勃發展,隨著需求的擴增,產值也快速的成長,產業垂直分工趨勢蔚為風潮之下,近來投入TFT-LCD上游業者,如雨後春筍般的成長,因此提供了製造商較多的選擇機會。在諸多的上游廠商中,如何客觀的評選出適合的合作夥伴,以降低因主觀偏好或考量不周所導致的風險,成為決策者在決定採購策略時的考驗。 本研究匯集TFT-LCD採購主管的意見,以文獻探討與統計方法,歸納出選擇TFT-LCD供應商的主要考量因素及變數,並建立分析之層級關係,再以層級分析法(AHP),決定各層級變數間相互之權重,以利未來產業發展並期望能達成尋找台灣TFT-LCD應該如何選擇其供應商之評估因素及衡量變數之權重。
TFT-LCD is a capital-intensive and technology-intensive industry with short economic cycle and refined technology. TFT-LCD products are made from many components. Therefore the TFT-LCD suppliers need to acquire quick response, satisfactory production techniques and excellent quality to make this industry grow prosperously and continually. In addition, because the cost of TFT-LCD components are as high as 70% of a final product, a missing component would hinder TFT-LCD panel industry from functioning properly. As a result, choosing a supplier that carries high quality sources, reasonable prices and fine technology all greatly affect the overall TFT-LCD industry. TFT-LCD industry has been growing prosperously in Taiwan in the last couple of years. The high demands generate tremendous growth in TFT-LCD industry in terms of value. The vertical production of TFT-LCD industry also established opportunities for TFT-LCD upstream channels; this consequently provides more choosing opportunities for suppliers as well. How to objectively select a cooperative partner among the upstream channels to reduce risks has become a challenge for procurement strategists. This research merges advice from TFT-LCD procurement managers, references and statistical studies to figure out the main concerns, factors and variables of procurement managers when choosing a suitable TFT-LDC supplier. Analysis in relation to hierarchy and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to acquire the weight of each variable was also conducted in this research. The main purpose of this research is to obtain evaluative factors and variables for TFT-LCD industry to find a suitable supplier.
Appears in Collections:Thesis