Title: | 應用包絡分析法評估亞太地區港埠貨櫃作業績效之研究 Performance Evaluation of the Container Ports in using Data Envelop Analysis |
Authors: | 郭建男 chien-nan kuo 黃承傳 Cherng-Chwan Hwang 運輸與物流管理學系 |
Keywords: | 資料包絡分析法;貨櫃港埠;績效評估;DEA;Container-Ports;Performance Evaluation |
Issue Date: | 2001 |
Abstract: | 由於海洋運輸的競爭日益激烈,世界各大國際港埠莫不設法能提昇本身的作業效率,降低營運成本,增加對外競爭能力。貨櫃運輸為海運發展主流,因此大部份的港埠皆著重於提昇貨櫃碼頭之作業效率及配合營運發展趨勢,提昇整體服務品質,期以在競爭激烈之海運市場中保有自身優勢。而效率的評估可以量測港埠之表現優劣,並有助於了解本身的優勢與劣勢,體認競爭環境中可能存在的危機或轉機,以便針對自身所具備之資源,採取適當之因應措施,故一套公正客觀的效率評估工具實屬必要。
本研究發現香港、上海港及基隆港為相對有效率的港埠,另外新加坡港、廈門港及高雄港為相對較無效率的港埠,但只須針對其資源進行小幅度調整,則能使其作業效率最佳化,其他受評港埠則為相對無效率,須針對其資源進行較大的調整,才能使其轉變為有效率。 As a result of increasing competition in sea -transportation,every international port has bried to raise operation efficiency and reduce operating cost,to enhance its competition ability。Container transportation is the main stream in sea-transportation development,therefore most ports has devoted to raise operating efficiency of container-facilities,and to promote the whole service quality ,in order to keep their superiority position in sea-transportation market 。 Performance evaluation can measure the status of ports and help to understand advantages and disadvantages,and as well as the existence of crisis and turning point in competitive environment,so as to take appropriate measure in adjusting their resources utilization。An impartial and objective method to evaluate the efficiency of ports is thus very important。 In the past,the main method of evaluating the operating efficiency of ports is based on the selection of some performance index 。And the evaluating work was usually done by sending questionnaire to some experts to decide the weight of performance index,which is influenced easily by personal subjective opinion。In order to avoid the above-mentioned drawbacks,this research apply DEA method to evaluate and compare the operating efficiency of our international container ports with main competitive ports in the nearly area,and conducts ” technical efficiency”、”scale efficiency”、”scale analysis”、”slack analysis”、”multiplier analysis “and “sensitivity analysis” to analysis the overall performance of our container ports and try to identify possible problems of each port。Suggestions to improve the problems are then proposed,wuth the hope to help the decision makers of Port Administration to enhance the efficiency of their ports 。 The research finds out that Hong kong port、Shang-hai port and Keelong port are relative-efficient ports;besides,Singapore port、Xia-men port and Kaohsiung port are relative-inefficient ports,but these ports can optimize their operating efficiency by only making in their resources。All other remaining ports must make large-scale adjustment in their resources,to become relative-efficienct。 |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/68231 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |