Title: 台灣輸出元件產業組合與政策之研究
A Portfolio Analysis of Innovation Strategy and Policy of Taiwan’s Industry of IT Output Devices
Authors: 余永健
Yung-Chien Yu
Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu
Keywords: 產業組合分析;印表機噴墨頭;光學讀取頭;投影機;光顯示器;資訊輸出設備;產業創新要素;Industrial Portfolio Analysis;printer inkjet;read/write heads for magnetic harddisk drive;projector;optical display;IT output devices;Industrial Innovation Requirements (IIRs)
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究擬以產品市場為主要的研究構面,並利用產業組合(Industrial Portfolio)觀念,分析不同產品市場下,各產品之相關策略定位與所需的創新資源,並建議政府在發展資訊輸出元件產業各階段在目前及未來所應支援的產業政策。 本研究將整體資訊輸出元件產業區分為四項技術領域進行研究,分別為印表機噴墨頭、光學讀取頭、投影機及光顯示器等四項次系統,進一步進行產業分析。主要研究架構以產業組合分析模式為基礎,設計出資訊輸出元件產業分析模式,其定位架構之縱軸為市場成長曲線,橫軸為資訊輸出元件產業價值鏈。在研究方法上則採取文獻分析、專家訪談與專家問卷調查等方法。 本研究所得之主要結論如下:在印表機噴墨頭及光學讀取頭產業的發展上,目前產業發展均位於產業供應鏈的應用研究及量產階段,而產業發展則是位於成長期階段;至於兩者之未來發展,產業供應鏈皆走向基礎研究、應用研究及量產階段,而產業發展則走向成熟期階段。在投影機產業的發展上,目前位於產業供應鏈的量產階段,產業發展則位於成長期階段,未來產業供應鏈則走向基礎研究、應用研究及量產階段,產業發展則走向成熟期階段。在光顯示器產業方面,MEMS Display目前位於產業供應鏈的基礎研究階段,產業發展則位於萌芽期階段;未來產業供應鏈則走向量產階段,產業發展則走向成長期階段。OLED/PLED、LTPS及LCOS目前位於產業供應鏈的應用研究階段,產業發展則位於萌芽期階段;未來OLED/PLED、LTPS及LCOS之發展趨勢,產業供應鏈走向應用研究階段,產業發展則走向萌芽期階段。TFT-LCD目前位於產業供應鏈的量產與行銷階段,產業發展則位於成長期階段,未來產業供應鏈走向行銷階段,產業發展則走向成熟期階段。 此外本研究根據專家訪談及問卷結果,分析出產業組合之具體推動策略包括:設立專利權制度、獨佔規範(法規及管制)、成立支援研究單位、研究特許(科學與技術開發)、資訊網路與中心建構、建立資料庫、政府提供顧問服務(資訊服務)、貿易協定、關稅政策、 貨幣調節(貿易管制)、建立海外貿易組織、情報收集(海外機構)、政府首倡引進新技術(公營事業)、大學成立光電系、延續與高深教育、員工在職訓練(人力資源)等,以供政府未來規劃政策參考。
IT output devices represent emerging product categories for daily use, and the market potential is growing rapidly. In the foreseeable future, IT output devices are expected to be applied with other digital computing devices to form powerful communication tools. This thesis reports on a portfolio analysis for strategic development for the industry of Taiwan’s IT output devices. We segment the industry of IT output devices into four sectors, namely, printer inkjet, read/write heads for magnetic harddisk drive, projector, and optical display. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis which includes the industrial value chain and the industrial life cycle, respectively. Three research methods are used for data collection, including literature review, expert interview, and general survey. A SWOT analysis is also presented to describe the risks and opportunities for Taiwan to develop the industry. Evaluating the Industrial Innovation Requirements and policy goals leads to a recommendation that the most critical categories of policy instruments be Scientific and Technical Development, Education, and Political. The policy priority should include encouraging research institutes to establish related research labs, promoting projects collaboration between the academia and industry, R&D subsidies to encourage more innovations, and managing to attract the overseas professional to join the industry. In addition, government should help build up an efficient financial market and encourage investments in the industry of IT output devices. Besides, incubator centers and effective financial laws are also important for Taiwan to develop the industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis