标题: 危机情境与危机沟通策略之研究--以新浪网台湾分公司两次危机为例
The Crisis Situation and Crisis Communication Strategies –A Case Study of Two Crises of SINA.com, Taiwan branch
作者: 侯明
关键字: 危机情境;危机沟通策略;危机个案;危机管理;公共关系;Crisis situation;Crisis communication strategy;Crisis case;Crisis management;Public Relationship
公开日期: 2001
摘要: 危机管理重要性日益遽增,而危机沟通策略又明显影响企业在危机期间的形象。良好危机沟通策略减缓企业与时间竞赛的压力;不良的危机处理模式加速危机事件的燃烧。本研究采个案研究法,希望瞭解在不同之危机情境及影响因素下,是否影响组织采用不同的危机沟通策略,以及影响最后的沟通成效。资料搜集方法则分别以参与观察法瞭解:1.组织希冀危机沟通策略预达成之目标;2.危机过程中,媒体人员对于组织之评价。其次使用二手资料搜集法瞭解:3.企业实际使用危机沟通策略的之文本,进而整合并评估危机沟通策略的实际效能。
Crisis communication strategies influence business image in the course of crisis as the growth of unpredictable environment recently. The good strategy reduces the stress of reactions. In contrariwise, the bad strategy enhances burning of crisis. The research method of this study adopts case study to analyze the crisis strategies application under the different situations and factors, via two crisis cases of the Taiwan branch, SINA.com. Data collected via methods of participant observation and secondary analysis. Research aspects include:1. the goal of the organization is to achieve through communication strategies.2. the evaluations of crisis management by the press.3. strategies used and their effect through secondary data.
The study reached the following conclusions:1.the responsibility of the organization more relative to strategies chosen than crisis situations. 2. the reliability of crisis disseminator and the attitude of the press could influence strategies chosen by the organization.3, crisis communication strategies might be modified cause the differences of culture or language usage. To sum up, crisis communication strategy needs researchers to input more solid results of PR applications and precision classification in the future.