Title: 設計以代理人程式為基礎應用於虛擬團隊之軟體架構
Design an Agent-Based Software Framework for Virtual Teams
Authors: 張弘嘯
Hung-Shiao Chang
Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 虛擬團隊;軟體架構;智慧型代理人;Virtual team;Software framework;Intelligence agent
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 知識經濟不僅是知識管理,更重要的是如何靈活運用以產生價值,而知識經濟所產生的新經濟運作模式,將全面取代現行較無效率的工作方式,在競爭國際化的情況下,組織應培養信任、合作、分享的工作態度,機動地回應外界變化並快速回應外來壓力。 現在有愈來愈多的產業都從垂直整合轉為水平整合,這代表著一家公司已經無法獨力提供客戶所有硬體、軟體或服務,所以不論公司的規模大小都要設法與其他公司或外部資源進行連結,才可能以有限的組織資源,提供最佳的產品與服務整合給客戶,而企業如果想要在市場上占有一席之地,已不能再單打獨鬥了,而必需透過合作的方式來取代競爭與對抗。 然而在舊有的資訊系統架構之下,系統所提供的功能已無法去滿足虛擬團隊對於資訊的取得,所以不能再使用舊的架構來適應新的組織形式。本研究將利用Zachman Framework所提供的資訊需求分析架構,來分析虛擬團隊在企業的資訊系統需求,再配合物件導向的方式來分析,在OOD(Object-Oriented Design)階段時將參考現有的 Design Pattern,建構一個符合未來虛擬團隊的資訊系統架構,並將此架構導入虛擬的工作團隊之中,提供團隊更緊密結合的服務。 新的架構將可以整合企業內部的應用系統,增進協調性,以幫助企業內與企業間作業流程和應用系統的有效資訊化與整合,並提供虛擬團隊一個整合服務(All in One Service)的個人化(personalized)及可攜式(portable)存取單一節點,如此可以明顯的提昇作業效率及自動化。而新的軟體架構,將使得未來虛擬團隊得運作是否順暢,佔了決定性的關鍵。
In today’s business environment, organizations adapt quickly or die. Gaining competitive advantage in a global environment means continually reshaping the organization to maximize strengths, address threats, and increase speed. The use of teams has become a commnon way of doing this. A virtual team is a group of dispersed workers with distinct skills who focus on a specific goal on a temporary or ongoing basis who working in a distributed environment will affect teams in that they will lose many of the opportunities for informal collaboration and knowledge sharing. Working in a more internationalized context places further strains on the way a team works as they not only have to cope with geographical distiance, but also time, culture and possible language differences. In time, virtual teams will become the natural way to work. Virtual organisations within and across enterprise structures are becoming mature as a potentially effective means for goal oriented business teamwork. Among the plentiful of support functions enabling the efficient cooperation in teams, teams decision making is a very crucial one, but does not find adequate support in contemporary team software solutions. In this paper, we propose a software framework for the Virtual Teams in organization base on agent-base system. This paper will designed to be configurable, flexible, and nonintrusive software frameworks can also be used to enhance or provide a new dimension of functionality to existing legacy software.
Appears in Collections:Thesis