标题: 电晶体层级电路描述之逻辑粹取
Logic Extraction from Transistor Level Circuit Netlists
作者: 黄自立
Lily Huang
Jing-Yang Jou
关键字: 逻辑粹取;电路描述;Logic Extraction;netlist
公开日期: 2001
摘要: 在电脑辅助电路设计的领域中,如何在一个大型电路中寻找某附属电路的问题是被广泛研究的。现今这些问题都是以图形辨识的方法解决,但这些方法都没有利用到任何电路的特性,也很有可能会在图形的转换过程中丧失了电路的拓扑结构(topological structure),而导致无法辨识出某些特定的电路,像是输入点短路的逻辑闸。如果整个电路都需要以较高阶的模组表示,这些方法更需要多次的执行才能粹取出每一种逻辑电路。我们利用通道图分割(channel graph partition)以及电路编码理论(circuit encoding algorithm),提出了一种逻辑粹取的方法,只要处理过一次电路,不需任何的前置作业,就可以把整个电路描述由电晶体层级提升到逻辑层级。以标准元件库(standard cell library)中的基本逻辑闸为范本电路(pattern circuit)的来源,以及离线处理已知的范本电路辨识资讯,更加提升了整个方法的效能及可再利用性。包含组合电路以及循序电路的实验结果可以证明这个方法在执行时间以及记忆体需求上都与电路大小有近似线性的关系。
The problem of finding subcircuits in a larger circuit arises in many contexts in computer-aided design. This is a problem currently solved by using various heuristics purely based on graph isomorphism. Such techniques, however, cannot utilize any circuit properties and usually lost the topological circuit structure, which led to failure in some cases such as shorting-input circuits. If the whole circuit needs to be represented in higher level models, it even takes numerous runs to extract every kind of subcircuits by these techniques. We present a logic extraction approach based on channel graph partition and modified circuit encoding algorithm. Without any pre-processing, it needs to traverse the input circuit only once, and converts the entire circuit netlist from transistor level to gate level. The reusability and efficiency are further achieved by using the elemental logic gates in standard cell library as the source of pattern circuits, and preparing the priori known pattern circuit information for identification off-line. The experiments on several real circuits containing sequential and combination logics show the near-linear performance in run time and memory usage.