Title: 郵務系統e化課題之探討
A Preliminary Study on the Digitalization of Postal Service System
Authors: 鄭松林
Sung-Lin Cheng
Charng-Horng Hsieh
Keywords: e化;郵局;郵務;digitalization;postoffice;postal service system
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract:   由於資訊科技IT的快速變遷、市場結構的轉變、事業公司化的轉型、競爭優勢的流失、與業務應用發展的限制等因素,我國郵政事業遂積極推動組織架構的調整與e化措施的改革與轉型。正當我國郵政事業如火如荼、大力進行e化轉型之際,可以看到部分e化的措施,已逐漸綻放出應有的成效。然而,卻也看到部分課題的產生,致使郵政事業整體e 化的成果有所遜色。有鑑於e化對郵政事業的重要性,及多數人誤認e化等於IT的運用或應用,因此形成本研究的動機。 本研究將範圍設定在現階段郵政事業所屬郵務系統的e化課題研究,期望經由研究探討出郵務系統e化課題的背後意涵。在研究中,先對郵政事業與e化進行背景的認識。然後,經由全面性的觀點、層次化的剖析,分析得出29項郵務系統e化的課題。再經過多面向的課題探討,使對於郵務系統的29項e化課題能有更透徹的瞭解。彙總檢視29項e化課題的本質,可歸納得出e化課題在IT運作及組織營運運作的相互關連性。故研究結果確實顯示,e化並不完全等於IT的應用,仍然需要組織營運運作的完全配合,才能促使e化的成功。因此,從研究中得出結論:1.e化課題是系統全面性的課題,需要組織運作的全面性配合,並非單獨偏頗於IT的應用與發展。2.應加速郵政事業e化的進展,使郵政事業得以從容面對局勢的挑戰。3.應從全面性的觀點,進行課題的層次化剖析與歸納,使具有全 面觀。4.應從多面向的觀點,觀察課題,使對於課題的瞭解更加透徹。5.e化應落實於逐步確實的基礎IT應用,使商業應用與服務得以落實。
Due to the factors of rapid change in the area of Information Technology, transformation of market structure, changes in the corporate world, loss of competition superiority, and restrictions of business applications development, the Directorate General of Posts (DGP) has been enthusiastically advancing the adjustment of its organizational framework and the conversion to digitalization. As the DGP is making a great effort in its transformation, some achievement has been seen in the area of digitalization. However, some problems have arisen, and caused those achievements to become less impressive. The motive of this study occurred because of the importance of digitalization to the postal service business, also because of peoples’misunderstanding that digitalization equals the application or use of Information Technology. The scope of this research has been set to study the postal systems’digitalization of current postal services of DGP. Hopefully, through this study, one can deduce the meaning of computerization and automation in the postal system.In this study, we first tried to learn about the background of postal service business and digitalization. Then, with this overall point of view, analyzed in every gradation, 29 topics of digitalization of postal system were obtained. By means of inspecting the nature of these 29 topics, we can show that digitalization do not totally represent the application of Information Technology. Successful digitalization need to cooperate with organizational working function. Thus, the results of this study are as follows:1.Topics of digitalization should be comprehensive, need to cooperate with organizational working function, and are not only the development and application of Information Technology.2.Expedition of the digitalization development of postal business can allow the DGP to easily face the challenge of a world that is rapidly changing.3.Analysis and conclusion of topics in every gradation and from an overall point of view.4.Topics should be observed in an all-around way, so one can have a better understanding.5.Digitalization and public services should be practicable under the gradual application of basic Information Technology.
Appears in Collections:Thesis