Title: 台灣保健食品實體零售通路暨GNC專賣通路之消費行為研究
Consumer Behavior of Health Food in Retailing And at GNC Health Food Specialty Stores in Taiwan
Authors: 鄒金峰
Jin Feng Tsou
Keywords: 保健食品;消費者行為;商店印象;GNC;Health Food;Consumer Behavior;Store Image;GNC
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 本研究以台北市消費者為研究母體,先對消費者對保健食品消費者行為進行研究分析,再針對美國、英國和澳洲保健食品最大的連鎖專賣店GNC,進行GNC保健食品專賣店的消費者行為的分析,以提供保健食品廠商和通路商擬定行銷策略的參考。
1. 消費者對保健食品購買時通路選擇依序為中/西藥房、藥妝店、傳銷/郵購、健康食品專賣店、超市/賣場、醫院/診所,最低的為其他通路。由研究發現消費者選擇購買保健食品的場所有七成是在實體店鋪通路,三成左右是經由直銷購得保健食品。由消費者選擇通路趨勢,大台北消費者通路選擇已由直銷轉為實體通路趨勢。
2. 消費者對保健食品購買時通路選擇時所重視的通路屬性,第一為價格合理為47.5%,第二為專業服務比例為44.7%,第三為購物便利比例為38.1%,第四為購物保障比例為28.4%,第五為商品種類多比例為26.3%,第六為商店形象佳比例為15.0%最低為知名產品多比例為8.6%。
3. GNC其品牌知名度建立主要是靠其商店招牌的商店印象來建立,消費者對「台灣GNC」商店印象偏好前三屬性依序為專業服務、商品種類多、產品獨特性,GNC購買產品種類七成五集中於維生素/礦物質類和運動營養補給品。
4. 消費者對GNC最需要加強的地方或缺點就是門市分佈過少、設立分店於各大商場相關設點及店數的問題,其次需加強的地方或缺點為加強產品說明、提供諮詢服務、增加中文標示屬於商店服務搭配如的問題。
The thesis mainly studies the consumer where to buy their health food. Whether they have changed from marketing channels to retailing or not? Another subject was on consumer behavior of health food specialty store. The methed of research was by market survey based on designed questionnaires for 800 consumers in Taipei. All 800 copies of which were returned and 608 copies of them were found to be effective. Hopefully the results can be useful for health food companies setting marketing strategies.
The major findings are as follows:
1. From the results we found out consumers prefer real retailing channels than direct selling channels. Drug store is the most popular place to get health food. The second choice was Personal store. Direct sales channels that were originally the first choice of channel selection has dropped to the third.
2. The important channel attributes for consumers whem selecting stores were analyzed by statistical methods (5% level); reasonable pricing being the most important store attribute, the second important attribute is professional service, followed by convenient location, purchase guarantees, merchandise category, fine store image and selection of name brand products.
3. Name recognition of GNC is established mostty by store signs. The major reasons people like to go to GNC for healthy food shopping, are professional service, merchandises category and specialty products. Most GNC consumers buy Vitamin & Mineral products (53.3%) and Sport Nutrition (21.3%).
4. Consumers want GNC to increase the number of chain stores and improve the information on health food products and provide higher quality services.
Appears in Collections:Thesis