DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorShu-Wen Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorChyan Yangen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來由於科技的進步,及企業分工的程度越來越精細,為了因應快速變化的市場需求,企業紛紛導入企業資源規劃管理系統 (ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning),希望藉由系統的整合,使資源能快速有效的運用,幫助決策者者在第一時間做出適當的決策,增加企業的競爭力。本文借由一家正在導入ERP公司的案例,經由採訪其顧問、MIS、財務、資財等人員,找出其導入ERP的方法及其面臨的組織人員問題做分析,希望能讓將要導入ERP系統的公司做參考,避免一些勢必會發生的問題或更有效率的解決之道。而有些問題是無可避免的,則希望這些探討能有助加快通過問題的速度。 本文透過訪談中整理出其面臨的5大問題 1高階主管未實際參與及落實:總經理有要求,但未貫徹也未參與實際稽核。專案經理沒有足夠權力要求各部門,重大問題沒人仲裁。 2中階主管缺乏組織承諾:部門主管間溝通不佳,造成流程不能連貫或無人負責。另部門主管流動率高。 3主要參與者沒有充分時間參與:人員都是兼職,日常工作順序優先於導入ERP,未能準時參與討論與設計,造成進度延遲。 4員工抗拒變革且溝通不足:對於新事務的不了解及不接受。 5人員流動率偏高:該個案公司偏高的離職率,造成很多的流程重複討論及更改,很多技術、經驗常隨人員流動而流失。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDue to the recent advances in technology, the division of labor is becoming more precise and complex. In an attempt to respond to the demands from the quick changing market, many enterprises begin to introduce ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) merging with their existing system. By integrated system and efficient use of management resources, ERP helps decision makers choose proper solutions in real time and thus raises the competitiveness of an enterprise. By interviewing consultants, finances, procurement and MIS of a company that is venturing in ERP, this article serves as an analytic guide and reference to companies that is also considering using ERP to prevent problems that is bound to happen along the way. Some problems however, are unavoidable, but this article provides some insight that might help in speeding up the process. This thesis summarizes four major problems during the study with interviewing: 1.Senior Executives: Although senior executives give their commands, but did not participate in auditing and evaluation. Program managers do not have enough power to control various departments; therefore no one arbitrate the major problems. 2. Mid-level management: The inter-organizational communication among various departments are not well established, causing interruption in the workflow process. The high replacement rate of mid-level management also cause many problems. 3. Participation in flow design: All team members are their part-time job. They are still responsible for daily operation. So, most team members could not participate in discussions and designing in a timely fashion, causing slow down in progress. 4.Resistance: Unwilling to accept and understand new ideas. 5.Hight job change rate: It caused to waste the double time to make the decisions.en_US
dc.titleThe methodology and project organizataion case study of the enterprise ERP implementationen_US