Title: 台灣發展半導體設備產業策略研究
The Study of Strategy on Semiconductor Equipment Industry Development in Taiwan
Authors: 吳樂水
Kalvin Wu
Dr. RK Li
Keywords: 半導體;半導體設備;產業策略;半導體製程設備;Semiconductor;Semiconductor equipment;Process Equipment;Industry strategy
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 台灣的半導體產業歷經25年的發展,已成為全球第四大的IC製造國,並於公元2000年達到新台幣8000億元的產值。同時,在半導體設備的投資也達到新台幣2500億元的規模,僅次於美國,與日本並列全球第二大設備市場。 此外,在經歷2001年的不景氣之後,設備供貨交期的縮短與成本的持續降低已成為設備產業為求生存的必走之路。藉由外包分工及委外生產,以提升經營效率已成為趨勢,台灣業者若能及起直追,將有機會繼半導體產業之後再建立起設備產業。 本研究就產業規模、供需狀況、營收成長及景氣循環來探討半導體設備產業的背景、結構與發展趨勢,並就設備的技術結構與台灣業者的能力進行分析。藉由Porter的五力分析模型及Hill & Jones的SWOT matrix對台灣業者於產業中的競爭優勢深入分析,並就零組件製造、次系統製造、主系統組裝與測試、新製程開發與自行開發新設備等五種可行的營運模式進行分析以找出最適合台灣業者的發展策略與經營模式,並得到以下結論:1.設備的零組件製造與次系統製造進入障礙最低。2.主系統的組裝與測試進入障礙雖高,現有競爭者較少.3.專業新製程開發公司面對新技術的挑戰與替代品的威脅最大。4.發展自行開發新設備的設備公司進入障礙最高,與現有的競爭者競爭也最激烈。 本研究對廠商提出以下的建議:(1). 以低成本、高品質、高效率切入,製造並銷售設備零組件與次系統給美日設備大廠,成為設備產業供應鏈的一環。(2). 成立專業的設備組裝與測試服務公司,以低成本及縮短交貨期吸引美國與日本的業者將此部份業務委外生產。(3). 購併美國或日本的設備公司,直接取得技術與客戶,以最快的方式切入。並藉由台灣的生產效率與市場優勢將公司發揚光大。(4). 學習美國矽谷與波士頓的高科技創業精神,與大學及研究機構合作,共同開發新設備。(5). 與台灣的半導體大廠合作,共同開發新製程及新設備。(6). 參考半導體產業的IC設計公司營運模式,以專業的製程開發公司模式切入設備產業。
Taiwan has become one of the top 4 IC makers in the world based on the continuous development and growth in the past 25 years. The IC sales revenue and semiconductor equipment market have reached NTD$800 billions and NTD$250 billions in 2000 respectively. On the other hand, the reduction of cost and equipment delivery lead time are getting more critical in semiconductor industry after the recession in 2001. Outsourcing of manufacturing which can improve the efficiency is going to be the trend in the in the industry. The purpose of the study aims at the analysis of competitive advantages of Taiwan semiconductor equipment industry and applying the competition model developed by Michael Porter to Taiwan semiconductor equipment industry in the five feasible business models : spare parts manufacturing, sub-system manufacturing, equipment assembly and test, new process development, new equipment development and manufacturing . Finally, the conclusions are made as follows : 1. Spare parts and sub-system manufacturing have the lowest entry barrier. 2. Less competitions for equipment assembly and test, though the entry barrier is high. 3. Professional new process development companies face major threats from the challenges of new technologies and replacement 4. The highest entry barrier is from the new equipment development and manufacturing while the competitions with existing rivals are most overwhelming
Appears in Collections:Thesis