標題: 半導體測試自動檢測系統
Auto-Detection Systems of Semiconductor Testing
作者: 林泳辰
Yung-Chen Lin
Der-Cherng Liaw
Bi-Shiou Chiou
關鍵字: 半導體;測試;自動檢測;Semiconductor;Testing;Auto-Detection
公開日期: 2001
摘要: 在IC產品的製造過程中,產品測試是一個很重要的過程;對於產品的品質與成本的控制上,產品測試過程更扮演相當吃重及保障產品品質的角色且其重要性與日俱增。隨著IC製程的不斷進步,測試機台對精密度的要求亦大大提升,而目前透過微電腦的控制與應用,測試機台的工作性能,如速度、可程式化及資料通訊等方面,也有很大精進。因此,如何透過網路有效整合所有的工作情況,以提升整體工作效率、增進生產力及降低生產成本乃成為一個值得改進與研究的課題。 本論文之主要目標即藉由電腦的網路架構,有效地整合各測試機台間所提供的測試資料,依據不同的工作需求,建立一個完整且高效能的資料庫(Database),進而開發與整合各種功能的應用程式(AP),進行測試資料的查詢與比對,以便即時地瞭解測試結果,而能即時監控各機台的工作狀態,作適度的工作調整與反應。因此,可有效地提升整體的生產產能效率。本論文的檢測系統,包含生產線監控系統、載入器及各限制條件設定系統,載入器主要是做為其餘兩者的資料及分析的工具,故將對生產線監控系統及各限制條件設定系統。生產線監控系統主要是增加機台產出數量、減少工程借機分析時間及人員工作量。警訊系統主要可以提升產品良率、減少產品扣留率及重測率。未來,若能再加強進一步的功能與研究,更能提供改善製程的方法以達到增進生產力與降低生產成本的最佳目標。
It is known that testing plays a very important role in the IC manufacturing process due to the requirements of high quality and low cost for IC product. How to provide an efficient way for IC testing becomes one of most challenging and key issues in the modern IC manufacturing industry. The main goal of this thesis is, through the application of computer network, to analyze and integrate efficiently the test data supplied by all the testers. According to the different needs of each task, the complete and powerful database is also created. Moreover, the application programs (AP) for different function are developed and integrated to fulfill the functions of data queries and correlations data.Under such a design, the test result can be quickly processed to provide the states of testers in real time. The efficiency of the testing performance is hence effectively upgraded due to appropriate response and adjustment reacted from the monitoring of the test data. Furthermore, through the statistic analysis and study of test data expected to provide better manufacturing processes and test flow. The improvement of production efficiency and the decrease of production costs are also expected to achieve.