Title: 高雄臨港內環線技術型式之比較研究
A Comparison of the Transit Modes for the Inner Loop Line of Kaohsiung MRT System
Authors: 葉忠政
Chung-Cheng Yeh
Tai-Sheng Huang
Keywords: 高雄臨港線;輕軌運輸系統;層級分析法;多準則決策方法;the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system;LRT;AHP;MCDM
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 高雄市捷運工程局為提升高雄捷運紅橘十字路線其間之接駁運輸服務功能,以及強化高雄市區之整體大眾運輸系統路網,規劃將既有之高雄臨港線發展為輕軌運輸系統,使其配置成高雄捷運之內環線,以整合為一結構化之輻射環狀路網。本研究為求高雄臨港內環線在技術型式考量上之完整性,擬進行自動導軌系統、輕軌運輸系統、以及公車專用道之效益與成本分析,以比較其間之優劣關係。 本研究依據不同技術型式之特性與配置,來分析高雄臨港內環線採用自動導軌系統、輕軌運輸系統、以及公車專用道之沿線土地增值、與增加捷運運量等效益,以及建造成本、與環境影響等成本。沿線土地增值由空間可及性與土地價值間之迴歸關係來估算;增加捷運運量由羅吉特模式來預測;建造成本由工程單價與工程數量來估計;環境影響由問卷調查所求得之嚴重程度量化值來評估,受訪單位包括高雄市捷運工程局、捷運公司、交通局、以及都發局。最後再以層級分析法來求算各效益與成本之權重,並利用多準則決策方法來加權計算高雄臨港內環線採用不同技術型式之總評點。 效益與成本分析結果顯示,高雄臨港內環線採用自動導軌系統之效益與成本皆最高;輕軌運輸系統之效益與成本皆次之;公車專用道之效益與成本皆最低。層級分析法所求得之整體權重結果顯示,增加捷運運量之權重最大,其次為環境影響、建造成本,最小則為沿線土地增值;多準則決策方法所求得之整體總評點結果顯示,輕軌運輸系統之總評點最高,其次為自動軌系統,最低則為公車專用道。研究結論指出,輕軌運輸系統為高雄臨港內環線較適之技術型式。
In order to improve the transit connecting service between the red line and orange line of Kaohsiung Mass Rapid Transit system (MRT), and enhance the transit network of aggregative mass transit system in Kaohsiung downtown, the Department of Kaohsiung MRT plans to develop the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system for Light Rail Transit system (LRT), making it become the circular route for Kaohsiung MRT system to integrate them to contractual radial-circumferential transit network. An aim of the study was to wholly consider the different transit modes used in the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system via analyzing the performance and cost of Automatic Guideway Transit system (AGT), LRT system and bus exclusive way to compare their odds. The study based on the characteristics and allocation of different transit modes to analyze the performance, land price raised and MRT system loading increased, and cost, constructing cost and environment influence, when AGT system, LRT system and bus exclusive way are used in the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system. Land price raised was estimated by the regression of space accessibility and land price; MRT system loading increased was predicted by Logit Mode; constructing cost was calculated by engineering per cost and engineering amount; environment influence was evaluated by its serious degree from questionnaire. The places of questionnaire included Department of Kaohsiung MRT, Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corp., Bureau of Transportation, and Urban Development Planning Bureau. Finally, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to estimate the weight of performance and cost and Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) was applied to calculate the total scores of the difference transit modes used in the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system. Analyzing results of performance and cost indicated that AGT system used in the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system had the highest performance and cost; LRT system had the second high performance and cost; bus exclusive had the lowest performance and cost. Estimating results of AHP showed that the weight of MRT system loading increased is the biggest; land price raised is the second big; environment influence is the third big; land price raised is the smallest. Calculating results of MCDM indicated that LRT system had highest total scores; AGT system had the second high scores; bus exclusive way had the lowest scores. The conclusions of the study prove that LRT system is the proper transit mode used in the inner loop line of Kaohsiung MRT system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis