Title: 兒童生命教育網路學習素材之研發與評鑑研究
A Study of Development and Evaluation of Web-based Learning Materials for Children's Life Education
Authors: 徐欣瑩
Hsin-Ying Hsu
Chien Chou, Ph. D
Keywords: 生命教育;網路學習;教學設計;評鑑研究;教學科技;Life Education;Web-based Learning;Instruction Design;Evaluation Research;Instructional Technology
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究旨在於全球資訊網(World Wild Web)的環境上,設計、發展出一套適合國小五、六年級兒童學習生命教育的網路學習素材(Web-based learning materials)。學習素材的設計,在媒體表現方面定位於能呈現網路超媒體特性的「線上課程」,在學習對象與實施場域方面定位為「完全的線上課程,學生來自任何地點」。 在設計理念上,本研究根據文獻分析推論兒童生命教育網路學習系統設計應有六項理念,分別為:(1)以全人教育四向度建構生命教育七內涵;(2)運用多元智慧的教與學方法;(3)注重長期、涵化效果與學習歷程的多元評量方式;(4)資訊科技能力和人本情懷相互融滲的能力培養;(5)提供「社會鷹架」的合作學習場域;(6)使用者自主的網路學習環境。 在設計模式上,本研究修正Passerini和Granger(2000)所提出的混合型教學設計模式,發展成適合於本研究的「兒童生命教育網路學習素材系統開發模式」,依據分析、設計、發展、評估等流程,建置完成一命名為「生命探險隊」之兒童生命教育網路學習系統。研發歷程中,同時考慮ID(instruction design)和HCI(human computer interface)之設計因素,並且重視設計者在整個研發過程對自身設計理念的檢閱與反思。 依此流程發展出的兒童生命教育網路學習系統,歷經焦點團體評估、專家評估、以及兒童使用者測試等多次形成性評估與修正之後,本研究所研發的兒童生命教育網路學習素材在教學設計上能達到生命教育目標,在人機介面設計上達到一定的使用性原則,並能引發測試兒童的學習動機與焦點團體成員的採用意願。本研究之成果希望能作為未來發展兒童生命教育網路學習素材之參考,不僅透過網路科技輔助教師生命教育教學,也有機會藉由網路無遠弗屆的特性提供兒童自學素材,提昇國內兒童生命教育實施之成效。
The goal of this study was to analyze, design, develop, and evaluate the Web-based learning materials of life education for fifth and sixth grades (aged 11-12 years) in elementary schools. These learning materials were developed as “online courses” for target students in anywhere to learn through the Internet by themselves. This study first reviewed literature on life education, Web-based learning theories and strategies. Based on literature review, this study suggested six design principles: (1) content containing seven perspectives in life education constructed with the four dimensions of holistic education, (2) providing teaching and learning methods for promoting multiple intelligences development, (3) multiple assessment focusing on long-term cultivating effect during learning process, (4) facilitating students’ abilities in using information and technology to enhance humanism, (5) collaborative learning with “social scaffolding”, and (6) Web-based learning environments controlled by learners. This study employed the Hybrid Model (Passerini & Granger, 2000), to present “Web-based learning system design model for children’s Life Education.” This model suggested a complete process of analysis, design, development, and evaluation with a consideration of merging the design factors of human computer interface into instruction design. Also, self-reflection and re-examination by the designer through the whole developing process was emphasized. This study invited several focus groups, individual experts, groups of users to evaluate the learning materials to check whether they achieved the desired instructional development goals and usability principles. Revisions based on the evaluation results were made accordingly. This study hoped that by providing the organization of contents, the development of online learning materials, and the evaluation results, life education in Taiwan can be enriched and promoted.
Appears in Collections:Thesis