標題: 3D角色扮演遊戲編輯系統的設計與製作
The Design and Implementation of an Authoring System for Developing 3D Role-Playing Game
作者: 卓勇君
Yung-Chun Cho
Dr. Deng-Jyi Chen
關鍵字: 三維;編輯工具;遊戲;3D;Authoring Tool;Game
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 由於遊戲軟體市場的蓬勃發展,電腦遊戲軟體(PC Game)的產業在軟體的市場上佔有一席之地。但發展一套遊戲軟體,從遊戲企劃、軟體的分析、設計到實作與測試,需耗費大量的人力及時間。若能有一套遊戲發展系統來幫助開發者來開發遊戲軟體,將能快速的掌握及佔有市場的先機。 本論文將針對開發角色扮演遊戲,提供一套遊戲編輯工具來協助遊戲的開發者。特別地,對目前在遊戲內容的編輯與設定上遭遇到的問題,例如:企劃人員與程式設計師的溝通問題、以描述語言來開發遊戲的問題、測試及修改的問題。這套工具將具有簡易的視覺化編輯介面,可以讓不懂程式設計的企劃人員透過這套工具來編輯遊戲。擁有這樣的一套遊戲編輯工具,企劃人員可以隨時規劃及修改遊戲的腳本內容,而不會增加程式設計師的負擔。同時讓遊戲軟體的發展速度得以提升,而遊戲的品質也較能得到保證。特別地,我們將以3D角色扮演的遊戲軟體當例子,來展示及驗證所提出的3D角色扮演的遊戲編輯系統的能力及應用的可能性。
Game software has been playing an important role in software industry. The development of game software requires a great deal of time and skill. During the development of game software, the chief script designer usually requires very high communication overheads among art designers and programmers due to the changes on the script. Programmer has to modify programs in order to fit the new script requirements. Routinely, it contributes the development cost for the game software. This thesis research attempts to alleviate the communication overheads between the script designer and programmer by providing an authoring system for the script designer to freely demonstrate their creativity without surrounding to the program modification constraint. Specifically, an authoring system that aims for the development of the 3-D role-playing game is designed and implemented. Based on the proposed authoring system, the script designer can focus on the scenario construction without the heavy interaction with programmer. A simple 3-D role-playing game is developed using the proposed authoring to demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the authoring system.