標題: 台灣資訊硬體廠商投資大陸對生產力影響之初探
Impacts of Taiwan's Computer Hardware Manufacturers' Investment in China on Their Productivities
作者: 李朝彬
Chao-Bin Lee
Jin-Li Hu
關鍵字: 投資大陸;資料包絡分析;生產力;Investment in China;Data envelopment analysis;Productivity
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 面對東南亞國家廠商的低成本優勢壓力,從90年代開始,台灣的資訊硬體廠商必須向海外尋求可提供更低生產成本之生產基地。因此海外投資議題開始引人注意,其中尤其是對於中國大陸地區的投資。台灣資訊硬體廠商投資大陸主要是因為大陸擁有低廉的生產成本優勢、同業間競爭的壓力、廠商全球佈局的需要以及大陸加入WTO之後龐大的商機。但由於台商大舉投資大陸可能將帶動大陸資訊工業成形,進而成為台灣強力的競爭對手,且投資規模過於快速的增加,也將使台灣資訊工業有空洞化的疑慮。因此本研究之研究目的之一,即在檢視大陸投資對於台灣資訊硬體廠商的生產力有何影響。由於本研究所使用的資料包絡分析法除了可計算出本研究之研究期間;1998到2001年,共39個樣本,每一年度廠商的總技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率以及規模報酬型態,還可計算出廠商每年相較前一年各項生產力指標的變動,因此本研究另一目的即在檢視廠商在研究期間的各項生產指標趨勢,並給予建議。研究結果為廠商透過改善本身資金管理、存貨管理以及提升員工生產力有助於提升生產力,但大陸投資則對於生產力變動的影響是不顯著的。此外,檢視每一年度廠商的規模報酬型態,發現樣本廠商中大多還處於規模報酬遞增的階段,因此建議廠商應從改善本身資金管理、存貨管理、提升員工生產力以及擴大生產規模以改善生產力。
Confronting pressure from the low-cost superiority of the South-Eastern Asian competitors, Taiwan’s computer hardware manufacturers started their overseas investment since the 1990s. The main reasons for Taiwan’s computer hardware manufacturers to invest in China are a lower production cost, business competition, market globalization strategy, and abundant business opportunities. However, Taiwan’s investment in China may make Taiwan’s counterpart become a strong opponent. This paper studies the impacts of Taiwan’s hardware manufacturers’ investment on their productivities. The data source is Taiwan Economic Journal database. There are thirty-nine firms in this paper’s data set during 1998-2001. We then apply the data envelopment analysis (DEA) to obtain the productivity and efficiency changes of these firms. Our major findings are as follows: 1. Taiwan’s computer hardware manufacturers can increase productivities by improving their cash and inventory management and labor productivity. 2. The impact of investment in China on productivity change of these manufacturers is not significant. 3. A significant proportion of these manufacturers have increasing returns to scale.