標題: 資訊倫理之建構:內外控與工作不安全感之聯合干擾效應
Modeling Information Ethics: The Joint Moderating Role of Locus of Control and Job Insecurity
作者: 林介鵬
Chieh-Peng Lin
Cherng G. Ding
關鍵字: 內外控;倫理行為意圖;倫理態度;個人價值;知覺行為控制;工作不安全感;Locus of control;Ethical behavioral intentions;Ethical attitude;Personal values;Perceived behavioral control;Job insecurity
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究檢視資訊倫理/非倫理行為形成之決策過程,同時結合內外控(locus of control)與工作不安全感(job insecurity)兩構念做為一個聯合之干擾變數,本研究提出一個概念性模式,在模式中,倫理/非倫理行為同時受到倫理態度、個人價值、知覺行為控制共三個構念之直接影響,同時,個人價值也同時透過倫理態度而對倫理/非倫理行為產生間接的影響,最後,模式中構念之間的關係均受到聯合干擾變數的影響。本研究以針對資管系學生調查為資料來源以便進行干擾效果之實證,同時把研究對象分為二個群體,分別為內控群(內控且有安全感)與外控群(外控且缺乏安全感),研究結果發現,倫理態度與個人價值對於倫理/非倫理行為之影響程度,在兩群體間不具有顯著之差異;而個人價值對倫理態度之影響程度以及知覺行為控制對倫理/非倫理行為的影響程度,均是內控群的影響程度顯著地大於外控組的影響程度,最後本研究亦根據研究結果提出管理意涵。
This study examines the combination of locus of control (LOC) and job insecurity (JI) as a joint moderator on the decision making process for information ethical behavioral intentions. A conceptual model is proposed to see the joint moderating role of LOC and JI. In the model, ethical behavioral intentions are influenced directly by ethical attitude, personal values, and perceived behavioral control. Simultaneously, personal values also indirectly influence ethical behavioral intentions through the mediation of ethical attitude. The causal relationships are moderated by the joint moderator. Notably, the moderating effects were simultaneously examined using data from undergraduates in the MIS department of a college. The influences of ethical attitude and personal values on ethical behavioral intentions are found to be similar for those with external locus of control and insecurity perception (Confusionists) and those with internal locus of control and security perception (Controlists). Furthermore, the influences of personal values on ethical attitude, and of perceived behavioral control on ethical behavioral intentions, are both greater for Controlists than Confusionists. Implications of the empirical findings are discussed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis