標題: 傳統產業以提昇供應鏈競爭力達成成功轉型之案例探討:
作者: 魏慶裕
關鍵字: 供應鏈;傳統產業;五力分析;價值鏈;企業轉型;再生工程
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 現代企業所面臨的是全球化市場、全球化競爭的挑戰,產品的生命週期愈來愈短,產品已走向小批量、多樣化生產、客製化、交期短的趨勢,在生產趨勢上走向製造低成本、高品質、全球運籌供應、快速回應顧客,滿足顧客的需求。在客戶的需求愈來愈不容易滿足的情況下,企業亟需要靠整體轉型,才足以使企業在競爭環境生存及成長。
本研究係針對傳統行業—鑽全公司,探討其如何經由企業流程再造(Reengineering)及導入企業資源規劃(ERP ; Enterprise Resource Planning)的機會,將企業文化扭轉。並透過策略管理的規劃及執行,客觀地分析自己本身所處的環境,務實快速地規劃自動化工廠並能有效整合自動倉儲(AS/RS;Automated Storage and Retrieval System)、自動供料及自動包裝的物流與資訊流。整個自動化設備並與資訊系統有效地整合。由於企業轉型之成功,公司在短時間內,為自己創造高成長的機會,並成為世界上最大的氣動打釘機製造商。
Modern enterprises face global competition and markets. Marketing trends thus are moving towards small lot quantity, versatile production, ODM, rapid delivery, and shorter product cycles. Simultaneously, production trends are moving towards low cost, high quality, global logistics, quick response, and customer satisfaction. Given increasingly rigorous customer requirements, business must change their operating models to survive and grow.
The rapid expansion of Information Technology provides businesses with improved administrative tools and management methods. Besides consolidating research and development abilities, IT also has increased market opportunities for enterprises. The skilled application of IT can provide real-time and accurate information for managers confronting unfamiliar and unstable environments. Such information obviously can help managers to make better decisions. Moreover, enterprises can also use automation facilities and management information systems to reduce their operating costs. By successfully implementing ERP solutions and integrating the value chain, enterprises can boost customer satisfaction, reduce overall supply chain cost, accelerate response time, and increase customer switching costs. In short, implementing ERP solutions and using automation facility can significantly increase overall competitive advantage.
This study focuses on the transformation of traditional companies by reengineering cooperation and enterprise resource planning integration. Simultaneously, this study also focuses on the integration of automation facilities and IT applications. Using an empirical case study of BASSO, this study also identified and categorized the key success factors enabling a traditional company to achieve rapid growth. Moreover, the company in the case study implemented M.I.S. strategies, such as ERP and PDM, along with the above marketing and production trends.
The question of how a traditional company can achieve effective supply chain integration is important. Supply chain construction does not involve significant problems in terms of professional knowledge and innovative system design. However, like as demonstrated by numerous real world examples, the obstruction of qualified employees and vested interests of management always impede innovation. Simultaneously conducting business process revolution(BPR)and enterprise resource planning(ERP)is a significant risk for traditional companies such as BASSO. Fortunately however, supply chain integration can be very successful and achieve excellent outcome given a strong effort from the project team and support from top management. Important questions in helping companies to achieve good outcomes include: identifying the key problems; the core business of the company; why the company takes the actions that it does, and solution implementation. The final chapter of this study presents conclusions and suggestions, as well as identifying related topics for further study.