標題: IC設計業經營策略之研究-以普邦科技股份有限公司為例
Research on Strategies of Taiwan IC Design Firms-A Case Study of Acute Technology Corporation
作者: 余基祥
Ji Shang Yu
Cheng Young
關鍵字: IC 設計業;經營策略;系統單晶片;IC design firms;Strategy;SoC
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 摘 要 「只有產業中的第一名與第二名廠商可以獲利存活,其餘競爭者全部將淘汰出局」。這就是高科技、高利潤、高風險,三高產業的殘酷競爭本質。本文旨在探討IC設計業之發展與現況,協助IC設計業如何面對高科技產業殘酷的競爭環境。 在SoC系統晶片要求下,IC設計公司可以協助業者加快產品設計週期,即時推出產品,並且降低產品的成本。在SoC此一新觀念衝擊下,使得傳統IC設計的方法也面臨改變。傳統IC設計所採用的方法大致上是以產品為導向,利用程式資料庫的再使用、硬體及軟體個別設計、子系統設計等來開發出所需的產品;但在SoC的帶動下,現今及未來設計方法是以解決方案為導向,透過矽智慧財產權(SIP)的再使用、功能導向設計來開發出所設定的解決方案。 IC設計業隨著科技日新月異的變革,IC設計整合(SoC)程度愈來愈高,以SoC為設計概念產品系統架構 必需充份掌握SoC的核心發展技術 : 設計方法、SIP、製程整合、系統層次整合四部份。這幾項核心能力的表現 ,影響著一個SoC最終表現與應用市場上該SoC產品的整體效能 尤其在系統整合層次上已非是純IC設計業本身,其已經介入系統層次。 IC產品生命週期短暫,產業與技術環境變化快速,企業因應環境衝擊的能力對其永續經營目標有關鍵性的影響。現有台灣的IC設計業者應提升「IC設計向上整合設計的能力」,以面對下一場戰爭,讓排名世界第二的IC設計業,有機會舉足世界第一。
Abstract “Only the first two winners can survive with profit in an industry, other competitors will be step out.” Hi-tech, hi-profit, and hi-risk is the cruel competing principle of the three-high industry. The paper described the observation and development state of IC design firms and shared the experience to IC design firms to face the cruel competing environment. The basic requirement of SoC trained, IC designer firms provide SoC solution to help Systems Company for speeding product to market and for reducing product costs. The traditional IC design methods and design flow should be changed. In the past, IC designed by product-oriented via database, hardware, software, sub-system etc. to development product. The trend of SoC concept, design is solution-oriented, via reusable SIP and function-oriented design to development solution. IC designed because technology revolution and innovation, IC design (SoC) needs more and more highly integration, SoC design concept is based on system product architecture view to design. To control the SoC core technology there has 4 key factors of SoC: design methodology, SIP, integrated process and integrated system. These four core technologies will impact the total performance and effect of the SoC products. Special on system integration, it is not only chip design but also covering to system integration level. The life of IC products is short. The environments of IC industry are fast moving and changing. Taiwan IC design firms should strive upward to system level to face the new battle of IC industry then Taiwan IC design firms have opportunity to Top One.