Title: | 半導體設備採購評準決策之研究 An Analysis of Sourcing Criteria of Semiconductor Equipment |
Authors: | 沈介宇 Shen Chieh-yu 徐作聖 Dr. Joseph Z. Shyu 管理學院科技管理學程 |
Keywords: | 半導體;設備採購;專家訪談;層級分析法;模糊理論;多評準決策;Semiconductor;Equipment purchasing;Delphi Methodology;Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP),;Fuzzy Theory;Multiple Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 半導體產業的投資中,固定資產的支出,往往佔總資本支出之大宗,而機台設備採購支出又為資本支出中最為高者。因此半導體前段製程設備產業,身處整體產業的供應鏈當中,扮演相當重要之角色。是此本研究主要是針對台灣半導體企業,對於設備採購決策的評估準則,建立一套客觀公正的評估方式。
本研究針對半導體設備採購決策要素,乃是探討相關文獻並與半導體產業專家訪談,所發展而出的半導體設備採購決策層級模型。再利用層級分析法(AHP),以問卷調查方式,得出影響設備採購決策之評估準則權重。最後利用模糊多準則決策(Fuzzy MCDM) 方法,實證研究企業中對設備採購決策的評估個案,來確認本研究模式是否符合。最後研究的結果,證實本研究模式的可行性,並可作為研究個案之設備採購決策依據。
在本研究發現在各項決策評估準則中,『領先的製程技術』、『瓶頸機台突破』、『零配件與物料的取得』為相對較高權重的評估要素,重要度佔全體12項評估準則的43%。進一步按照問卷調查對象分群探討發現,不同職務類別的專業人員,在設備採購決策評估準則看法上,依其工作內容專業的領域,對於評估準則項目相關於其專業領域的部分,給予較高的權重考量。 This thesis focuses on a study entailing the determine action of critical factors responsible for sourcing of equipment of Taiwanese semiconductor firms. This research aims at establishing an objective evaluation model for an unbiased evaluation during the purchasing procedure. An AHP method was used to analyze data obtained from literature analysis, expert interviews of the key managers, and general survey. A Fuzzy MCDM was also employed to substantiate the results obtained from the AHP analysis. Results show that “advances in manufacturing technology”, “state-of-the-art instrumentation”, and “well-managed warehouse” are the factors with highest weights among the 12 factors analyzed. Collectively, these three factors are responsible for a 43% weight contribution in the final decision-making. Results also indicate that the higher weight is closely correlated with respondent's areas of expertise. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71193 |
Appears in Collections: | 畢業論文 |