Title: 一個涵蓋通訊、應用與辨識服務的行動商務費率設定模式
A Study On Improving The Tariff Model Of Mobile Commerce
Authors: 林謂立
Wei-Li Lin
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 行動商務;計費系統;費率;行動通訊;應用服務;辨識;Mobile Commerce;Charging System;Tariff;Mobile Communication;Application Service;Authentication
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本研究主要進行整合行動通訊中通訊、辨識與應用服務的行動商務費率設定模式,由於計價規則決定了市場交投熱絡的程度,而費率設定模式決定了計價規則是否具備市場競爭力與整合性,因此個人的研究標的,試圖以改良費率設定模式的系統角度與表現結構,探討分析現今行動商務發展規模低於預期的限制因素,並同時提出改善的解決方案。 因此,為了提出有效涵蓋行動商務中通訊、辨識與應用服務在費率設定模式上的整合,個人分析現有的行動商務的系統網路協定、架構、商務服務及相關費率設定模式的發展現況,並針對這些行動商務發展現況提出費率設定模式產生的限制與問題,並列舉改良行動費率設定模式所需要的營運觀點條件與系統改良設計需求。 定義了需求條件後,個人即提出新的費率設定模式系統設計,並採用現行及更具商機的行動加值服務費率設定模式資料,進行系統實驗與驗證 ,以證明新費率設定模式的可行性及對既有行動商務費率設定模式模式限制改善的顯著性。 驗證模式採用模型程式推論,故僅透過執行之函數定義載明其執行效益,亦即採用函數規格驗證方式,而非著重於函數內部之程式撰寫與執行,其原因在於設計之系統模型,將透過可行流程來驗證系統模型之有效性與改善既有機制之績效。所有函數皆為物件結構定義中之操作型功能函數 (Operational Member Function),相當於一般物件化系統設計之規格,故皆可視為可設計化。
The target of this study is defined for improving tariff model of mobile commerce that integrates mobile communication、authentication and application. Charging rule is the key factor of transaction population in market, and tariff model is the key factor of both competitive advantage and integrity of charging rule. Therefore, through the study on improving the tariff model in terms of system viewpoint and structure definition, the factors why mobile commerce development is restricted and under expected will be discussed, and the solution will be provided afterward. For offering effective integration on tariff model which covers mobile communication, authentication and application,the development of network protocol、system framework、service and related tariff model in current mobile commerce environment will be analyzed. Through the analysis the limitation and issues happened in the mobile commerce nowadays will be defined. The requirement of system design on improving the tariff model of mobile commerce will be listed thereafter. After defining the requirement of improvement, the system design for new tariff model will be provided. The experiment and verification will be performed with a more valuable and practical tariff plan so that the system design of new tariff model will be proven as a feasible and remarkable solution on improving existed tariff model. The verification is performed with prototyping and corollary. Only declaration of data members and member functions in corresponded object class will be defined rather than composing detail source code in program essential. With object oriented analysis and design, all the defined object class can be designed and implemented.
Appears in Collections:Thesis