Title: 在行動商務的環境中建構客戶關係管理系統
Developing a Customer Relationship Management System in an Environment of Mobile Commerce
Authors: 曾盧培
Lu-Pei Tseng
Jing-Jang Hwang
Keywords: 行動商務、客戶關係管理;Mobile Commerce, Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Issue Date: 2001
Abstract: 隨著消費者意識及個人主義抬頭,企業經營模式已從產品導向轉為客戶導向,而客戶關係管理隨之興起並受到重視,企業e化的解決方案中,顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management,CRM)能夠有效的解決企業面對顧客的繁瑣事務,迅速反映顧客需求、彈性回應市場變化,縮短顧客服務時間與流程、增加客戶滿意度等效益。
本研究主要是設計及實作一個行動客戶關係管理系統(Mobile Customer Relationship Management,簡稱MCRM),以三層式架構,整合企業資源規劃(Enterprise Resource Planning,簡稱ERP),發展以個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant,簡稱 PDA)為平台的行動客戶關係管理系統。
The primary goal of this thesis research is to design and implement a Customer Relationship Management System in a mobile environment, called m-CRM, using PDA as the client-side device. The system is a three-tier architecture. In addition to designing the three-tier architecture, the author presents solutions for four particular technical problems: (1) the slow speed of data transmission to PDA, (2) the limited size of miniature databases on the PDA, (3) the synchronization between processes on different platforms , and (4) the smoothness of data linkage from a platform to another platform. The result is a system to help customers obtain information at any time and at remote places; it is an application of the established ERP databases in the mobile environment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis