DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKwo-tsai Chuangen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Keh-Luh Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣汽車業相較於世界各國,最大的差異是普遍缺乏經濟規模,形成的主要原因是市場規模不大,此外,國內汽車市場近年成長趨緩,甚至已呈現負成長,也造成了部份廠商處於年年虧損的狀態。 中國大陸因經濟改革以及開放外資投資,使得經濟持續的發展,大陸汽車市場在過去10年間每年仍有平均23%的成長率,在全球汽車產能供過於求的情況下,已成為全球成長最快速的汽車市場,吸引歐、美、日各大國際車廠競相前往投資設廠。 台灣汽車業者因中國大陸經濟快速成長所累積的內需市場規模,以及因13億人口所構築的無限想像空間,也吸引了部份的廠商前往大陸投資設廠,但大部份的廠商則因合作母廠關係或本身營運規模受限,僅能從事部份的零組件出口或技術支援。 本研究主要是探索台灣汽車業大陸市場投資時,較佳的進入模式。本研究從兩岸汽車市場環境、加入WTO對兩岸汽車業之影響、大陸汽車市場展望、台灣汽車業者本身的產品、資源因素及目前大陸市場進入模式等構面進行觀察分析,並依觀察所得與文獻理論印證的結果,輔以對相關廠商進行深度訪談,由其實務經驗中修正吾人提出的方案之可行性,以提供給尚未進入大陸市場的其他汽車業者一個較為完整、易懂的思考架構,亦可作為已進入大陸市場者一個檢討、調整的參考依據。 從研究結果發現,台灣汽車產業強調經濟規模、資金和技術密集、供應商和購買者缺乏議價能力、同業競爭激烈、相關關鍵技術和零組件受制於世界技術大廠。在此產業特性影響之下,大陸市場確實成為台灣汽車業者最欲進入的海外投資區域,但是若干台灣汽車廠商沒有赴海外地區和中國大陸投資的原因,並不是因為此項差異所造成,而是有其他原因,如本身競爭態勢、受制於技術母廠、以及策略目標不同所致。 此外,個別廠商競爭態勢分明,亦造就目前台灣汽車業者間的差異,以及有無赴海外地區或中國大陸投資。財務性目標和策略性目標對於赴海外地區投資與否、赴中國大陸投資與否、以及其企業經營的策略有著顯著的影響。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe most difference between Taiwan auto industry and other countries in the world is lacking economic scale because the market is too small. In addition, Taiwan auto market grows slowly recently, even in a negative growth, which causes some companies making a loss every year. Concerning the economic reformation and allowing foreign capital’s investment, the economics continues improvement in mainland China. There is about 23% growth rate averagely in Chinese auto market in the past ten years. Especially in the oversupply situation of the world’s auto market, Chinese auto market has became the fastest growth market in the world, attracting the famous international automakers in Euro, American and Japan to invest directly in a continuous stream in mainland China. Because the fast economic growth accumulating the needs of the domestic market with the infinite imagination from the 1.3 billion population in mainland China, some automakers in Taiwan make a investment to have joint ventures in mainland China. However, most automakers in Taiwan only can export spare parts or provide technical assistance in mainland China according to the relationship with their technical provider or their business scale. In this paper, we attempt to explore the better entry mode of Taiwan automakers when they invest in mainland China. This paper observes and analyses the auto market environment of cross-strait, the influent in WTO (World Trade Organization) entry of cross-strait, the prospect of Chinese auto market, and the products and resources of Taiwan automakers and their entry modes in mainland China. Then, the result from our observation and analysis accompany with deep interviews of some relevant Taiwan’s automakers through their experiences to modify the feasibility of our proposal. These will give a complete and easy understanding framework to Taiwan’s automakers that they are not investing in China. In addition, these also can provide a reference to review and adjust their investment if the has invested. From our research, we find that Taiwan auto industry has some characters such as emphasizing economic scale, capital and intensive technology; venders and buyers in the industry lack negotiation power; automakers stay in high competitive situation; critical production and spare parts technology restricts on the international companies, etc. The influence from those characters, Chinese auto market has become the market that Taiwan’s automakers would like to invest in. However, the facts of some Taiwan’s automakers didn’t invest in the foreign country or the mainland China that do not cause by those characters, but from other reasons such as their competitive ability, technical restriction, and different strategy target. Moreover, the obvious competitive situation causes the differences between Taiwan’s automakers and decides to invest in the foreign country or the mainland China or not. Financial and strategy target has obvious influence in Taiwan’s automaker to make the decision to invest in the foreign country or the mainland Chinaen_US
dc.subjectTaiwan's auto industryen_US
dc.subjectInvestment in mainland Chinaen_US
dc.subjectEntry Modeen_US
dc.titleA Study of Entry Mode of Taiwan Automotive Industry invested in Mainland Chinaen_US