標題: Vibrations induced by harmonic loadings applied at circular rigid plate on half-space medium
作者: Liou, Gin-Show
Department of Civil Engineering
公開日期: 5-六月-2009
摘要: The paper presents a systematic scheme to calculate the vibration at any specific location oil a half-space medium Clue to harmonic vibrations of a circular rigid plate on the medium. In the scheme, the analytic solutions of 3D wave equations ill cylindrical coordinates are employed. The vibration at any specific location on lialf-space medium is obtained analytically by a semi-infinite integration with respect to wave number k from 0 to infinity. Because of decaying nature of integrand with respect to wave number k(u) the numerical integration can only be performed up to a certain upper limit k(u) instead of Go without loosing accuracy. The choosing of the integration tipper limit k(u) is dependent upon the factors of nondimensional vibration frequency and nondimensional distance between vibration source and receiving location. From the numerical results, one finds that some components of vibration on the surface may not attenuate monotonically along the distance from source. Some verification for the accuracy of the presented scheme will be made, and selected numerical results will be shown and discussed. Comments oil the presented scheme will be given, and the presented scheme is proved to be effective and efficient for accurately predicting the vibrations oil the surface induced by harmonic loadings applied at rigid circular plate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
URI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsv.2008.12.025
ISSN: 0022-460X
DOI: 10.1016/j.jsv.2008.12.025
Volume: 323
Issue: 1-2
起始頁: 257
結束頁: 269


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