DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChang-Shang Luen_US
dc.contributor.author陳 光 華en_US
dc.contributor.author吳 元 功en_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Quang-Hua Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Yuan-Kong Wuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討個案晶圓製造公司在職訓練現況及分析員工在職訓練滿意度。一個完整的在職訓練制度至少應包含訓練需求、訓練規劃、訓練實施執行與訓練評估;而精確的訓練評估可以確認訓練的成效,並可將訓練評估結果回饋至訓練方案之訓練需求、訓練規劃、訓練實施執行中,藉此改進訓練方案之缺失;因此,訓練評估是舉辦教育訓練成功與否的重要關鍵。本研究係透過文獻探討、問卷調查方式蒐集、分析資料,所探討的文獻包括:國內外公私部門在職訓練的相關研究;問卷調查法主要是以個案公司部門人員為調查對象。本研究採用Kirkpatrick四層次訓練評估模式來進行評估。不過由於研究時間的限制,僅能就四層次中的反應層次、學習層次及行為層次來進行評估,結果層次之評估不列入本研究之範圍內。 本研究嘗試以Kirkpatrick訓練評估四層次理論作基礎,由接受在職訓練人員從事「自我追蹤評估」,及受訓學員長官、同事的「他人追蹤評估」,來瞭解學員受訓後是否能將訓練所學確實移轉到工作情境之中。而受訓者個人特質(trainee characteristics)是否會影響訓練成效。因此本文將此因素作為控制變數,以探討具有不同個人特質的學員,其訓練成效是否會有差異存在。為證明各變數間是否有關聯或差異存在,因此以虛無假設(null hypothesis)方式提出,期望研究結果能拒絕虛無假設,進而接受對立假設。問卷調查資料以SPSS 10.0中文版電腦軟體,進行單因子變異數分析等統計分法進行資料處理。其中問卷資料經由統計方法分析及檢定得知在職訓練評估之關鍵因素及了解公司員工在接受在職訓練課程後之滿意度且得知員工接受在職訓練後,將所學專業知識及工作技能用以改善目前工作之情況。 最後希望本研究能根據研究結果提出建議,希望能作為教育訓練部門、主管訓練行政人員及未來研究者的參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the current situation of employees on job training at one wafer fab company . As a complete training system, at least, it includes training demand evaluation, training planning, implementation and evaluation of training. A precise evaluation of training can measure the performance of the training programs, and it has the function to feed back to the training programs. It may eliminate the demerits of the training programs. To realize the implementation of a training program being succeed or not, the training evaluation is therefore the most important key point in the process of training. Literature review and questionnaires were used as a means of collecting and analyzing data. Literature discussed in the current study included relative research on job training in public as well as private sectors around the world. This thesis describes that the usage of the Kirkpatrick’s four levels training evaluation to evaluate for evaluation of the training programs. However, because of short of the time, this thesis merely evaluates the training program in reaction level, learning level, behavior level of Kirkpatrick’s four levels. The application of Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory in this research includes“self-estimation” by employees under training and “ others-estimation” by the trainees and colleagues to realize that transformation from training to work. In order to prove the relation or the difference exist on the aforementioned factors, the hypothesis comes up in the follow. The finding expected negation from the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis will stands. To analyze the data collected, One-way ANOVA, was conducted. The study investigates the objects of study; and then analyzes the data of the questionnaire by statistics package software SPSS and get the results of training evaluation. Finally, When we get the key factors to evaluate the training programs, we shall know the degree of satisfaction of the training programs and degree of improvement of our employees with the knowledge and skills they learned during the training. It is hoped that this thesis can be beneficial to the actual tasks and the development of educational administration, and may serve as a reference for training organizations, cultural and educational administrative personnel, and future researchers.en_US
dc.subjectTraining Evaluationen_US
dc.subjectOn Job Trainingen_US
dc.subjectWafer Fab Companyen_US
dc.titleThe Research on the Training Evaluation of Wafer Fab Company–An Example of M Companyen_US