Title: TFT- LCD綠色供應商評選模式之研究-─以台灣A廠商為例
The Research of TFT- LCD Industry Green Supplier Selection System-Case Study of Taiwan A Company
Authors: 林昆民
Lin, Kuan-Min
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 面板產業;層級分析法;綠色供應商;TFT-LCD Industry;AHP;Green Supplier Selection
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近日環境保護在國際議題日趨重視,由於電子電機產品所產生之廢棄物對於環境所帶來的衝擊,因此產業界對於此議題相當重視,對於產品之生命週期導入綠色環保已成為產品需重視之意見,也是企業不得不面對的改變之一。而本研究以TFT- LCD綠色供應商評選模式之研究─以台灣A廠商為例為作法,以案例公司作為對象進行相關研究討論。 綠色觀念導入面板業攸關 TFT_LCD整機的研發與量產,故供應鏈中重要的一環即為合格綠色供應商之評選。本研究透過文獻探討、專家訪談法、問卷並蒐集數據;分析台灣廠商A公司在綠色供應基準準下,評選供應商時所應採用之準則,再經由層級分析法(Analytical hierarchy process,AHP),決定各準則之權重,並建立綠色供應商評選模式,探討關鍵因素及其相對重要性。結果不但可利用此評估程序來將供應商評分及評等,更可比較出供應商在各評準之優劣程度,而供應商也可藉此評估結果看出需加強及改善之評準;協助產業界在有限資源限制下,依各階段關鍵相對重要性分配資源,選擇最適合自家公司的供應商評估策略,以綠色產品為企業化經營策略,開發具企業競爭力之綠色產品並永續發展相關領域。 研究結果顯示:在TFT-LCD面板供應商的評選系統,應考量到的七個構面,分別為服務、能力、品質、綠色指標、教育訓練、公司財務及企業文化等以及其下一階的28個準則,再針對專家進行訪談與問卷調查彙整專家意見,歸納出各構面及準則之權重排序。前十項重要關鍵準則包含綠色專案認證執行、綠色觀念落實教育訓練及環保落實度等評選要項,說明產業界對於綠色產品已刻不容緩,期許產業界能投入相關綠色產品,並以本研究評選基準作為參考指標導入綠色供應商評選行列。
In responding to the increasing in consciousness of the environment and relevant regulations, Green supply chain management and optimization processes for the whole supply chain activities is very important topic of TFT LCD industry, Equipment Manufacturers and vender have devoted many resources, both tangible and intangible, to developing and implementing green supply chain management, in order to acquire partnership and certifications from international customers. To enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the future should proceed towards a green supply chain. To study the case understanding green purchase present situation of and the suggestion regarding the TFT LCD industry. Propose a decision model for A TFT-LCD Company to select their suppliers After assessing the factors through experts interview and literature Review, by using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process), this research has concluded that an evaluation system of TFT-LCD panel supplier or manufacturers should consider seven criteria: Corporation culture, Financial, service, Ability, Quality, Green indicators, Training, and Twenty Eight attributes for the next phase. In addition, conducting interviews and surveys to the experts, summarizing their opinions, and generalizing the weight of each criteria and attribute to obtain the priority of criteria and green supplier selection system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis