DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChuang, Shuang-Huaen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsiao, Chanen_US
dc.description.abstract目前全球已進入價格競爭、消費意識抬頭、科技技術飛速進步之時代,在2010年Apple推出iPad平板電腦後,不論筆記型電腦、迷你筆記型電腦、智慧型手機、電子書閱讀器等裝置漸漸受到平板電腦所帶來影響與衝擊。個人電腦品牌廠商皆面臨市場萎縮壓力,雖然許多業者立即跟進切入市場,或模仿Apple商業模式與經營策略,卻仍無法撼動Apple在平板電腦產業之地位,仍未找到成長的施力點。品牌業者該如何因應市場改變走出目前困境,將是本研究所要探討的緣由。 透過應用資源基礎理論、五力分析、競爭力SWOT分析,以不同角度深入地來探討Apple與ASUS兩個案企業在平板電腦產業上如何利用本身資源、優劣勢,來擬定其經營策略,並且闡明未來可能面臨之機會與威脅。因Apple為市場領導者,其商業模式與競爭策略深入剖析後,發現該企業擁有豐富的數位內容與軟體生態、掌握行動裝置關鍵技術、靈活之行銷與定價策略、與佈局完整行銷與維修服務網絡,才能在平板電腦市場持續保持領先。Apple設計第一款iPad之際,市場佔有率是零,即使冒險也不會有何損失。於是在推出的平板電腦產品上充滿了大量大膽想法與創意。但隨着iPad成為平板電腦代名詞,對於其企業越來越重要,破舊立新勇氣也逐漸萎縮。適逢Apple忸怩,反而給其他業者提供了他們需要的機會。ASUS為典型個人電腦品牌業者,欲切入平板電腦產業領域,應思考如何能聚焦建立品牌形象、強化研發能力創造差異化、持續佈局新技術提升產業競爭力,利用市場轉換與消費習慣改變之際,將企業危機化作轉型發展之基礎,並善用自身資源優勢後加以粹煉,迎向產業競爭與挑戰。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis is an era of global price competition, rise of consumer awareness, and technology changes. After Apple Inc. introduced the iPad tablet in 2010, some industries, including Notebook, Netbook, Smart phone, and E-Reader, have been impacted by tablet PC more and more. The brand manufactures of PC are facing the pressure of the shrinking market. Although many firms take immediate action to compete the tablet market and imitate Apple’s business model and business strategy, they couldn’t influence the leading status of Apple in the tablet PC industry. They haven’t even found the key to growth yet. In this study, we will discuss the obstacles to which the brand owners have to overcome in responsing to the changes in the market. Through the application of Resource-Based Theory, Five Forces Analysis, and SWOT Analysis of the Competition, the study will show how Apple Inc. and ASUSTeK Computer Inc. use their resources and take advantage of their strengths and weaknesses to develop their business strategy in the tablet PC industry. The study will also describe opportunities and threats which they may face in the future. Since Apple is the market leader, after analyzing its business model and competitive strategy, we find out Apple has a wealth of digital content and software ecosystem, the key technologies of mobile devices, flexible marketing and pricing strategies, and perfect marketing and service network. So Apple could continue to stay ahead in the tablet market. When Apple designed its original iPad, it had zero market share; the company had nothing to lose by taking risks. As a result, the tablet teemed with bold ideas. But as the iPad became more iconic and more important to Apple, the company’s courage to shake things up has dwindled. Why mess with a great thing? That timidity gave other brand manufactures the opening they needed. Comparatively speaking, ASUS is a typical PC brand owner They should think about how to focus on establishing outstanding brand images, strengthening R&D capabilities, creating difference, and continue developing new technologies to enhance industrial competition. When the market transformation and change in consumer habits approach, ASUS should change the crisis into the basis of development and transformation, and make good use of their advantages in resources. By doing these, they will have confidence to face the on-going competition and challenges in the industry.en_US
dc.subjectResource-Based Theoryen_US
dc.subjectCompetitive advantageen_US
dc.subjectStrategic planningen_US
dc.titleExploring the Competitive Strategy of Tablet PC Industry – A Cast Study of Apple and ASUS Corporationen_US