標題: 探討國際博彩業產業競爭優勢與經營策略分析
Competitive Advantages and Strategic Analysis in Global Casino & Resort Industry
作者: 戴勤政
Tai, Kan-Cheng
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 博彩業;競爭優勢;策略族群;杜邦恆等式;Casino Industry;Competitive Advantage;Strategic Groups;The Du Pont Formula
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究透過分析Compustat資料庫收集到的國際博彩業產業中企業的財務資料來探討產業中不同的策略族群並討論其競爭優勢,而本研究把研究焦點放在博彩業中的經營賭場或賭場飯店的企業,針對這些企業從Compustat資料庫收集資料並整理出四年年平均財務指標,透過因素分析簡化出三個構面:獲力導向、營運管理及資產管理。而集群分析結果發現賭場業中的資源構型可以分為四個集群,本研究將其命名為:財大氣盛型、莊家恆贏型、職業玩家型及小賭怡情型。財大氣盛型的企業在資產管理能力上表現最好,同時而具備營運管理能力,當中都是世界聞名,長久經營的大規模賭場;莊家恆贏型企業表現出眾的營運管理能力,大部分產業領導者都出現在這一集群;職業玩家型的企業則可以從在獲利導向因子中觀察到它們比較有短期迅速獲利需求;小賭怡情型則在各個方面表現都不太突出,在這集群中可以發現經營小規模賭場的企業,或是財務結構比較特別的企業。透過本研究的發現可以使企業可以以自己所處的策略族群作為參考依據,觀查本身的定位及其競爭者相對位置,進而發展出適當的策略強化優勢或改進劣勢,增強企業的動態競爭能力,使企業更有機會創造持續的競爭優勢。
In order to discuss the strategic group of the casino & resort industry and the competitive advantages, financial data is collected from the Compustat database. First, the company’s financial data is summarized into certain financial ratios. After the factor analysis, there are three factors, which are profit orientation, operation management and assets management, while there are four entrepreneur type results after cluster analysis which, in this study are named as “tycoon”, “winner”, professional player” and “small player”. “Tycoon” is good at assets management, there are a lot of company which are operating big size, and also top casinos around the world; most of the industrial leaders are found in the group “winner”, which present a outstanding operation management ability; through the profit orientation factor, we can propose that the companies in “professional player” group have a relatively stronger passion in chasing short term profit; opposite to the “tycoon”, “small player” are those which are operating smaller size casinos. According to the study result, companies are easier to indicate it’s position in the industry, so that this study will help the companies to enlarge its competitive advantages or may improve its disadvantages and then it yields a better and sparkling operating performance from those resource configurations observed from different groups of enterprises.
Appears in Collections:Thesis