Title: 電子煙產業發展策略--以P公司策略發展為例
A Study of Electronic Cigarette--A Case of P company
Authors: 康祝菁
Kang, Chu-Ching
Keywords: 電子煙;五力分析;SWOT分析;electronic cigarette;e cigarette;Five Force Analysis;SWOT
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究針為電子煙研究,電子煙是一種非燃燒霧化、仿照香煙外型的方便攜帶電子霧化器具,採用微電子控制與超臨界物理物化技術,通過高科技矽晶片和氣流感應器控制煙霧輸出量及工作狀態,煙鹼被霧化,將含有煙鹼和香精的溶液霧化成微粒,通過肺部吸收,同時吐出模擬煙霧。電子煙不含香煙中的焦油和其他有害成分,是透過霧化器具將丙二醇或者丙三醇打成霧氣,直接吸入人體,驟眼看猶如同吸煙,但是過程中不產生煙霧。煙霧劑多含有尼古丁。2005年電子煙在大陸問世後,興起後於世界各地造成的的種種波瀾,電子煙兼具傳統香菸的替代品與戒煙品兩種功能,能否在菸草的市場裡爭得一席之地?作者結合產業分析方法—五力分析與SWOT分析,將P公司之現狀與發展策略做一詳細說明。 目前各國對電子煙的法令相當不一致,造成電子煙在各地的發展不同。一家貿易公司在強敵環伺,本身所在國亦是禁止尼古丁產品的生產情況下,是否有機會藉由本身的創意發想找到合作的理想對象,以殺出重圍?
This study analyzes the strategy of P company. P company was set up for trading electronic cigarette, a digital way to light up. Electronic cigarette (E-cigarette) works like this: Nicotine is dissolved in propylene glycol, and the combination is stored in a cartridge that is designed to look like a traditional orange filter. The nicotine cartridge screws onto the main body of the electronic cigarette, which contains a rechargeable battery that powers an electrical circuit. When the smoker inhales, a sensor in the circuit is activated. This causes a red-light-emitting diode at the tip to turn on. Meanwhile, the nicotine and propylene glycol are heated up so that they vaporize and get sucked into the smoker’s lungs. The first electronic cigarette was invented in China. As a Taiwan company, what strategy should P company take next?
Appears in Collections:Thesis