標題: 自我評估哈哈鏡—Facebook空間感如何影響使用者自我評估
The social distorting mirror – How Facebook influence user's self-appraisal
作者: 李柔
關鍵字: Facebook社會比較;空間感;自我評估;哈哈鏡效應;顧慮;社會懈怠;社會比較;Facebook;feelings of places;self-appraisal;distorting mirror;misgivings;social loafing;social comparisons
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 由於Facebook功能的推陳出新,讓其本身具有多樣性的空間感,而使用者在使用時就容易受到空間感的因素產生某些相對應的行為,舉例來說,由於介面即時、透明與主動通知的特性讓使用者在”個人檔案”中發佈動態就像是邀請朋友到自己家裡作客一樣,因此會期望朋友來回應並關注自己,但另一方面對使用者的朋友來說,”塗鴉牆”的存在就像是一個公共的場所,容易有所顧慮。因此在這樣的狀況下,使用者彼此之間的互動就端看使用者此時所處的空間場合與角度,而當使用者所處空間不同時,就會容易產生誤會,並且長久下來就容易影響使用者對自我的評估。 綜合以上所述,本研究從使用動機出發,並以主觀及旁觀兩個使用角度探討Facebook空間感如何影響使用者的自我評估。結果發現當使用者為主觀角度發佈動態時,Facebook的確容易造成哈哈鏡效應,因為使用者相信得到的回饋所呈現出來的自己,容易對自我評估產生扭曲,並且本研究的結果亦證實造成哈哈鏡效應的原因是來自於顧慮、社會懈怠和被邀請感…等等空間感因素。除此之外,本研究更發現當使用者為旁觀角度觀看朋友動態時,在Facebook上的社會比較就像是使用者在看哈哈鏡,因為透過哈哈鏡中所看到對方的形象大部分是經過挑選甚至扭曲的,如此一來使用者在Facebook上越去比較只會讓自己感受越差,覺得自己總是不如人。
Facebook has variety of functions, which creates diverse feelings of places, and the users will have expectations and take actions accordingly. For example, user who posts a message or a photo on his own Profile may feel that it is a stage to perform on, and also expects his friends to notice and give him a ‘like’ or some responses. However, his friends may feel that the ‘Wall’ on Facebook, which shows the messages, is like a public place and thus has misgivings about responding his message. Therefore, we must consider the feelings of places, among other factors, to analyze how Facebook usage affects self-appraisal. According to the phenomenon on Facebook, our hypothesis is that Facebook is like a distorting mirror, users on Facebook easily believe that the responses of their friends are true from their hearts, though not all of them are so. And we have proposed some propositions to explain why Facebook is like a distorting mirror. According to the experimental results, we confirm our hypothesis: Facebook is like a distorting mirror; misgiving, social loafing, and social comparisons are important factors that cause such phenomenon.
Appears in Collections:Thesis