Title: 餐廳線上訂位服務之商業模式探討—以易訂網為例
Business Model Analysis of Online Restaurant Reservation Service: A Case Study of EZTABLE
Authors: 宋昱樺
Sung, Yu-Hua
Han, Anthony F.
Keywords: 餐廳線上訂位;商業模式;全球化競爭;Online Restaurant Reservation;Business Model;Global Competition
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 隨著網路的迅速發展,電子商務逐漸地成為商業模式的主流,也開創了許多新的商機,例如:線上訂房、訂票系統等。餐廳線上訂位服務,也順應這個潮流開始興起。第一家餐廳線上訂位服務平台:OpenTable,於1998年成立於美國。但之後的幾年來,許多國家仍然缺乏如此便利的服務。受到OpenTable的啟發,易訂網(EZTABLE)於2008年成立於台灣,成為華語地區第一家餐廳線上訂位服務。即使靈感承襲自OpenTable,但美國與台灣的餐廳文化和消費者行為不全然相同,使得他們必須提出不同的經營模式來增加客源。因此,本篇研究目的為:探討易訂網如何針對台灣市場,將服務在地化、歸納其成功的關鍵因素及建議未來的發展策略。 本論文採用Osterwalder and Pigneur所提出的商業模式分析模型及Dawar and Frost所提出的全球化競爭策略來進行分析。分析結果得知:由於易訂網優越的網路平台、創造了用餐者及餐廳的獨特價值、先行者優勢及成功的雙邊平台,使他們在短短幾年內快速發展,更有機會進一步的將易訂網推上國際舞台。
With the development of the Internet, e-commerce has become the new frontier for business around the world. New business opportunities are being created and online reservation services has been the most remarkable. Following the online reservation services such as e-booking of hotels, airline tickets, and exhibitions, online restaurant reservation service was also created. OpenTable was the first online restaurant reservation service launched in the U.S. in 1998. Over these years, there is still a missing gap of this service in many countries; inspired by OpenTable, EZTABLE, the first online restaurant reservation service in Chinese-speaking countries, was launched in Taiwan in 2008. However, the restaurant industry and consumer behavior is different in the U.S. and Taiwan. The purpose of this paper is to examine how EZTABLE localized its service in the Taiwan market, to indicate its key success factors, and to give recommendation for its future strategy. To do this analysis, our research adopts the business model canvas introduced by Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) and the global competition strategy introduced by Dawar and Frost (1999). The results show that with the superior development of the platform, unique value offered to diners and restaurants, first-mover advantages and the successful development of two-sided platform, EZTABLE is expanding in a rapid speed and has a high chance of extending its business internationally.
Appears in Collections:Thesis