標題: 印刷電路板產業機台資料蒐集流程之研究-以P公司為例
The Study of Machine Data Collection Process for PCB Industry - a case study of P corporation
作者: 謝賢龍
Hsieh, Hsien-Lung
Tsai, Min-Jen
關鍵字: 機台資料蒐集;自動化;事件管理;營運持續管理;知識管理;Machine Data Collection;Automation;Event Management;Business Continuity Management;Knowledge Management
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 在這個資訊爆炸且科技迅速成長的時代,資訊科技已成為協助公司解決關鍵問題的重要工具,尤其在印刷電路板產業更顯得重要,因為印刷電路板產業生產的是低毛利產品,必須藉由提高生產效率,降低支出成本的方式,才可創造更高的利潤。 個案公司大都以人工的方式進行機台資料蒐集,對於機台資料的取得不易且耗時。因此,本論文研究的方向是建置一套機台資料蒐集流程標準,說明如何以自動化的方式去蒐集各種機台資料,藉以降低人工作業時間和提昇資料正確性、可用性,同時在資料自動蒐集的過程中,如有異常資料產生,會立即通知相關人員,即時採取因應措施,達到產品品質管制的目的。另外在機台資料蒐集流程中建置資訊服務事件管理和知識管理兩項模組,用以監測各項資訊服務的運作狀態,並藉由知識庫的相關文件,可有效降低平均異常處理時間。最後建置營運持續管理模組,保護重要營運系統不受重大災害影響,提昇客戶滿意度與信賴度,使機台資料蒐集流程更加完善。
In this information rapid growing period, IT has become an important tool to solve company’s ciritical issues, especially for the PCB industry. The reason is that the production of PCB industry has become a low profit business. The company must raise production efficiency and reduce the cost of spending, in order to create higher profits. The case company is mostly collecting machine data manually since machine data acquisition is difficult and time consuming. Therefore, this thesis will build a machine data collection process standard which will automate the data collection and reduce the manual working time for data accuracy and availability. While abnormal data occurs, the system will immediately notify the relevant personnels who will take timely solutions for quality control. On the other hand, two modules responding to the information service event management and knowledge management are created to monitor various information services. In the mean time, the records in the knowledge database provide useful information to deal with the exceptional situation and effectively reduce the average processing time. Finally, the business continuity management module is built to protect critical operating systems from major disasters and also improve the customer satisfaction and reliability. In summay, based on the proposed approach in this thesis, the machine data collection process for PCB industry is more secure and completed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis