標題: 國中生自我認同感對社群網路使用方式之探討-以Facebook為例
Junior High School Students Self-Identity on the Social Network Usage Discussion - A Case Study on Facebook
作者: 宋佩芳
Song, Pei-Fang
Sun Chuen-Tsai
Lin San-Ju
關鍵字: 青少年;Facebook;自我認同感;adolescence;Facebook;self-identity
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 國中生在人格身心的發展是屬於青少年時期,對於自我意識的抬頭,想要做自己卻又有些矛盾遲疑,需要借助外界的力量去肯定自己。此階段的孩子,同儕的力量特別重要,透過同儕的肯定與支持去確認自己自我價值與認同感。除了學校生活外,下課後利用網路聯繫情感,是國中生很重視的一環。 本研究利用Erikson青少年自我認同感理論,參考國內學者陳坤虎、雷庚玲及吳英璋(2005)對不同階段青少年自我認同的研究為基礎,區分自我認同感重要性及自我認同感確定性的兩個向度,探討國中生的自我認同感在使用社群網路-Facebook中好友數的差異,藉以討論同儕的重要性。且探討自我認同感使用Facebook活動是否有差異性存在。 結果發現,自我認同感確定性無法在國中生階段有顯著性差異,因國中生正處於建立自我價值觀,還在找尋自我目標,故此階段自我認同感確定性並無顯著性差異。 在自我認同感重要性上,有顯著性的差異。自我認同感重要性高的學生在好友數的差異性,不管是同校好友、同班好友明顯比自我認同低的學生要高許多。在使用Facebook活動上,也可很清楚看出自我認同感高的學生活動情形會比自我認同感低的學生要活躍許多。 顯示,自我認同高的學生,代表對自己的需求清楚了解,因此在整個Facebook活動上能主動出擊,來滿足自我需求。而自我認同感低的學生,因對自我需求了解不確切,在Facebook活動上與好友數上就無法很明確展現。
The physical and mental development of junior high school students are in adolescence. For the rise of self-consciousness and hesitating in being themselves, they need to build their own self-esteem by outside forces. The influence of peers is particularly important in this stage. Through the peer recognition and supports to confirm their self-worth and identity. In addition to school life, they highly emphasize the connections to others from Internet. We base Erikson's adolescent self-identity theory and "The Developmental Differences of Identity Content and Exploration among Adolescents of Different Stages" of Kun-Hu Chen, Keng-Ling Lay and Yin-Chang Wu(2005) and use the two factors, identity importance and identity firmness. From analyzing the number of friends in Facebook, we try to investigate the importance of peers and whether self-identity effects the activities on Facebook. It was found that there is no significant comparison on the self-identity firmness. Junior high school students are in the stage of self-values establishment and self-searching. Therefore, in this stage, the effect of social-networking is not noticeable on the aspect of identity firmness. However, the students with higher identity importance have more friends, in the same school or the same class, than those with lower ones. They are also more active on Facebook. It shows that higher self-identity means that they understand their needs. So that they take the initiative on Facebook to satisfy themselves. For low self-identity students, they are unclear what they need then they could not have significant differences on Facebook activities and friends count.