標題: 以混合式多評準決策模式建構智慧型居家系統改善策略
Defining the improvement strategies for smart home systems based on hybrid MCDM model
作者: 黃崇恩
Tzeng, Gwo-Hshiung
關鍵字: 智慧型居家系統;創新機會模型;混合式多評準決策模型;決策試驗與實驗評估法;影響網路關聯圖;網路層級分析法;影響關聯權重;模糊積分法;Smart Home Systems;Innovation-Opportunity Analysis;Hybrid MCDM Model;Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory;Influenced Network Ration Map;DEMATEL based Analytic Network Process;Influential Weights;Fuzzy Integral Method
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 網路應用日漸普遍,資通技術與雲端資料庫的發展下,大幅度改變現代家庭的生活型態。智慧型家庭的發展已是時代的趨勢,新興建案與新造建設皆以系統性的智慧型家庭作為其發展標的,使用人口也不斷攀升。瞭解使用者對於願意嘗試新型智慧型家庭系統之功能需求,關係著智慧型家庭服務未來的市場競爭力與整體服務市場的版圖分配。此消費者需求將會直接影響智慧型家庭系統之銷售,更進一步影響開發服務商之發展策略。本研究首先探討現今智慧型家庭系統在市場中的實際應用以及產品版圖,並提出智慧型居家系統對於消費者的價值創造因素,進而探究智慧型居家統產品與服務發展現況,分析在現今智慧型居家系統應用多元的狀況下,究竟智慧型居家系統必須往何種產品制定策略發展,以提供使用者更多附加價值。因此本研究試圖從消費者對於日常居家的需求為出發點,為智慧型居家系統供應商找出可行的市場發展策略與經營模式,藉由探討使用者的需求偏好以找出使用者對於功能與服務上的選擇喜好,運用決策試驗與實驗評估法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)網路層級分析法 (DEMATEL based Analytic Network Process, DANP)找出影響關聯權重(Influential weights),且以非加法型模糊積分法 (Fuzzy Integral Method, FIM)作為各準則與層面績效值之整合,並將目前智慧型居家系統模式做評選,再利用創新機會模型 (Innovation-Opportunity Analysis, IOA) 找出使用者需求與服務功能之間的落差,再以決策試驗與實驗評估法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)來建構需求構面的影響網路關聯圖 (Influential Network Ration Map, INRM) ,之後透過需求落差(gaps of user needs)與影響關聯結構圖以找出服務之改善方向,並藉此來建構並提出智慧型居家系統之發展策略。
Internet applications are becoming more and more popular and the development of communication technologies and cloud database absolutely change the lifestyle of modern family. The Chip technology industry is leading smart home as a new blue ocean market of computer network applications. In recent years, SHSs (Smart home systems) are more and more popular due to Internet penetration and the development of private cloud system. The SHSs offer a convenient lifestyle by integrating service platforms supporting many devices and services database. This study tries to discuss the driving forces of the value of SHSs. The issue of SHSs has become a trend and researchers began to put emphasis on the future application in SHSs and how the SHSs change the users’ daily life. Under the trend of prices in SHSs gradually decline, users of multifunction computer at home gradually increase, as well as the growth number of broadband Internet home users, SHSs (Smart Home Systems) experience rapid development and diffusion. In this study, we concentrate on the market today in the practical application and product, make SHSs create value for costumers and figure out the driving factors. And explore today's SHSs Application diverse circumstances; figuring out what is the most important component in SHSs and developing strategies to provide users more extra value. In this study, the DEMATEL based Analytic Network Process (DANP) is used to determine the influential weights of components and the Fuzzy Integral Method (FIM) by non-additive/super-additive type is adopted to integrate each criterion performance into each aspect and overall performance for evaluating the score of different market strategy in SHSs. The Innovation-Opportunity Analysis (IOA) can figure out which aspect/criterion is needed to improve, and the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) is used to construct the Influential Network Relation Map (INRM). With this study, SHSs can obtain improvement strategies based on user needs and improve service quality by constructing strategies.