Title: 科技接受模式在第四代行動電話之研究
Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Examine the Adoption of LTE Smartphone in Taiwan
Authors: 饒怡凡
Rau, Yi-Fan
Tang, Ying-Chan
Keywords: 第四代行動電話;科技接受模型;享樂主義;參考群體;4G (LTE) mobile phones;technology acceptance model;hedonism;reference group
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究主要針對台灣地區現有行動電話3G服務的使用者,以科技接受模式探討消費者選擇行動電話影響因素,瞭解目前第四代行動電話使用情形之現況,藉以了解消費者選擇行動電話影響因素對第四代行動電話使用情形的影響程度。 本研究採問卷調查法,研究成果摘錄如下。 一、以科技接受模式探討消費者選擇第四代行動電話影響因素及使用意圖 在消費者選擇行動電話影響因素構面中,以易用性的平均數為最高,而有用性的平均數為最低。而在行動電話使用意圖部份,「4G採用意願」、「雲端資料存取」、「取代固網WiFi」、「遠端監控意願」填答「願意」者人數為最多,「4G購買意願」填答「普通」者人數為最多,「不提供吃到飽資費」填答「不願意」及「非常不願意」者人數為最多。 二、消費者選擇行動電話影響因素對第四代行動電話使用意圖的影響程度。 1.消費者其知覺有用性會正向顯著影響行動電話使用意圖。 2. 消費者其知覺易用性不會顯著影響行動電話使用意圖。 3.消費者其知覺享樂主義及參考群體會對知覺選擇行動電話影響因素與行動電話使用意圖之間不具有干擾效果。
This study focuses on existing 3G mobile phone users in Taiwan , by using the Technology Acceptance Model of Affecting consumers choose mobile phones Factors, understand the current 4G mobile phone usage situation, in order to understand the factors that influence consumer choice on 4G mobile phones usage. This study used questionnaires. The study findings are summarized as below. 1. Consumer choice in mobile phones influencing factors in order to ease the average of the highest and lowest average usefulness. The intention to use the mobile phone part, "4G adoption intention," "Cloud Data Access", "replace the WiFi", "Remote Monitoring willingness" , "willing" to a maximum of the answer of "4G willingness to buy." , "ordinary" to a maximum of the answer of "no-can-eat tariff" "reluctant" and "very reluctant" to a maximum of the answer. 2. The consumers choose mobile phones for the 4G mobile phone usage intentions influence factors:(1) The perceived Consumer usefulness is positive influence intention to use mobile phones.(2) The perceived Consumer ease of use is not significantly influence the intention to use mobile phones.(2) The perceived consumer of its hedonism and reference groups will choose mobile phone perceptual factors and between mobile phone use has no moderating effects.
Appears in Collections:Thesis