標題: 不同遊戲經驗與教學模式對高中生學習動機與自信心來源影響之研究—以舞蹈課程為例
The Influence of Gaming Experience and Teaching Methods on Study Motivation and Sources of Self – confidence – taking dancing course as an example
作者: 劉琬婷
Liu, Wan-Ting
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: 遊戲經驗;自信心;教學模式;合作學習;學習動機;舞蹈;Gaming Experience;Self – confidence;teaching methods;cooperative;Study Motivation;dancing
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 透過本研究希望得知,對於三種不同音樂節奏遊戲(無音樂節奏遊戲經驗、大型舞蹈機台集體感遊戲、線上音樂節奏類遊戲)背景的學生在一般教學與合作教學後於學習動機及自信心上有無顯著差異。本研究是以研究者所任教的台中市明德女中,在高中一、二年級生中舞蹈課程修課之女學生為母體,共100人。研究中使用「舞蹈學習動機量表」和「自信心來源量表」做為前後測的問卷,以學期第一堂課開始進行問卷前測,並蒐集學生舞蹈經驗及音樂節奏類舞蹈遊戲經驗,以學生音樂節奏類遊戲進行分類時,先排除有舞蹈經驗一年以上之學生。學生前後測的問卷完成後,運用統計軟體SPSS進行統計方法對每組音樂節奏類遊戲背景的組別進行相依樣本t檢定( Dependent t-test ) 進行分析,並以Two-way ANOVA多因子變異數分析檢測以了解不同遊戲背景在不同教學模式下學生在自信心及學習動機上影響差異為何。 研究結果顯示,以Two-way ANOVA來討論其變異數分析,結果發現教學模式(一般教學及合作學習)會影響學習動機的「測試焦慮」分量,顯示沒有音樂節奏遊戲經驗的學生,在一般教學模式下會使學生更加焦慮,而採用合作學習較能引導出學生的學習動機,且能顯著降低學生焦慮。自信心部分則無顯著性差異。 從相依樣本t前後測結果分別討論後,研究結果顯示,沒有音樂遊戲經驗的學生進行舞蹈教學時採用合作式學習,在提升學生對舞蹈的自信心上「技巧精熟」、「展示能力」、「生理/心理」三項有顯著性差異。線上舞蹈遊戲經驗的學生在自信心方面使用一般教學在「技巧精熟」、「生理/心理」、「身體自我呈現」、「社會支持」四項因素上有顯著性差異的影響,學習動機方面,合作學習讓學生在「內在目標導向」、「學習價值」、「自我效能」、「期望成功」和「測試焦慮」,這五個分量上平均值上升。在體感及大型音樂機台遊戲經驗的學生方面,使用一般教學對於此類遊戲經驗學生在自信心來源在「展示能力」、「身體自我呈現」和「情境有利」三個因素上有顯著性差異,學習動機在「自我效能」上有顯著性差異。因此本研究建議可以在學生進行課程學習之前,先了解學生的相關遊戲經驗,配合學生遊戲經驗調整教學模式,或作為教學模式選擇的參考依據,相信對於學習者的學習動機與自信心是有幫助的。
This research explores the issues of how traditional teaching method and cooperative learning method influence three different background students of music beat gaming experience ( 1. without music beat gaming experience, 2. arcade dancing gaming experience and motion-sensing gaming experience and 3. online music beat gaming experience ) respectively in motivation and confidence. This research takes 100 girl students, as the population, attending the dancing class in 10th and 11th grade of Ming-Der Girls High School of Taichung City in which the researcher teaches. This research applies the Dancing Motivation Scale and Resource of Confidence Scale as the pre-test and post-test questionnaire. The pre-test is polled for collecting the data of students’ dancing experience and music beat gaming experience in the first period at the beginning of the semester. According to the polling result of the pre-test, the students were grouped by their music beat gaming experience excluded the students with dancing experience over one year. After the pre-test and post-test been finished, we use the statistical analysis software SPSS to analyze the data. To understand the variance of motivation and confidence upon students with different gaming experience under the different teaching methods, the SPSS Dependent t-test and Two-Way ANOVA are adopted to analyze the data. Using Two-way ANOVA to discuss the analysis of variance, we find that the teaching methods (traditional and cooperative) would influence the “testing anxiety” sub-scale of learning motivation which indicates the students without music beat gaming experience would get more anxious under the traditional teaching method. In stead, adopting the cooperative learning methods could motivate students more as well as reduce the anxiety of students significantly. According to the Dependent t-test of pre-test and post-test, the research result indicates that adopting the cooperative learning method in dancing class, the confidence of students without music gaming experience would be promoted significantly in the way of “skill mastery”, “performance ability” and “ physiology and psychology” . Students with on-line dancing gaming experience shows significant confidence in the factors of “skill mastery”, “physiology and psychology”, “self-body presentation” and “social support”. As for motivation, when adopting the cooperative learning method in the dancing class, we measured the rising mean in 5 sub-scales of “intrinsic goal-orientation”, “learning value”, “self-efficacy”, “expectation for success” and “testing anxiety”. Students with arcade dancing gaming experience and motion-sensing gaming experience show their confidence comes significantly from “performance ability”, “self-body presentation” and “situation facilitating”. Motivation of students in this group is significant different in “self-efficacy”. Therefore, this research suggests that before a class starting, instructors should try to understand the related gaming experience of students first. Then, adapting the teaching methods according to the gaming experience of students or taking the gaming experience as the reference of choosing teaching methods would be helpful for promoting students’ motivation and confidence.
Appears in Collections:Thesis