標題: 中小尺吋面板廠之轉型策略-以C公司為例
The Business Transformation Strategy of a Small and Medium-sized Panel Company
作者: 鄭材治
Cheng, Tsai-Chih
Chu, Po-Young
關鍵字: 中小尺寸面板;TFT-LCD面板;Small and Medium-sized Panel;TFT-LCD Panel
公開日期: 2012
摘要: TFT-LCD面板曾是台灣二兆雙星產業之一,然近年隨日韓持續擴廠及大陸廠商不斷擴廠,產業競爭加劇,2011~2012年即使台灣AUO及CMI等大廠亦難逃虧損達500億/年以上,TFT-LCD產業一昧追求規模經濟已不再是獲利保證,面對產業競爭,各面板廠如何因應,考驗各面板廠經營決策,本研究主要目的以C公司為例,探討TFT-LCD中小尺吋面板廠之轉型策略。經由策略分析探討台灣中小尺吋面板廠C公司,如何運用策略規劃轉型,在2011年達成中小尺吋面板出貨量第一名,並善用在部份中小尺吋產品應用創造競爭優勢,爭取Design in機會,藉由集中資源發展中小尺吋面板事業,放棄不具競爭力產品,改善獲利之轉型策略思維的探討。
TFT-LCD panel industry used to be one of the Two-Trillion-Twin-Star industries; however with the continuous expansion of Korean and Taiwan and Chinese plants in recent years, the industry competition has been intensified. From 2011 to 2012, even AUO and CMI, the two big giants in Taiwan, have reported annual deficits up to NTD 50 billion, The economie of scale is not longer warrant making profits. How the panel markers in response to the severe situation has challenged the top decision makers. This research is to investigate the business transformation strategy of small and medium-sized TFL-LCD panel company in Taiwan, taking Company C as an example to analyze the strategy how Company C reached the number 1 position of small-mid-sized panel shipments in 2011.By focusing on small and medium sized panel application the company has gamed the opportunities of Design-in. By making trade-off by obsoleting non-competitive products, this case study provides the transformation strategy to make a Company C profitable in the new future.