標題: 觀看逆轉勝運動賽事的認知心理機制與享樂感
Sports spectators’ enjoyment and the cognitive mechanism in viewing the phenomenon of comeback victory
作者: 陳芷鈴
Chen, Chih-Lin
Chen, Yen-Shen
關鍵字: 逆轉勝;享樂感;懸疑感;情感傾向;期望;comeback victory;enjoyment;suspense;Affective Disposition Theory;expectation
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究以逆轉勝的比分變化特性、觀眾的情感傾向以及觀眾對比賽結果的預測作為自變項,觀眾的懸疑感與享樂感為主要依變項,在此架構之下來探討逆轉勝所帶來的娛樂效果。本研究針對研究問題設計了兩個實驗來檢視所有變項之間的關聯性。實驗一主要目的在於了解逆轉勝的出現是否會帶來較多的享樂感。實驗二則檢視在觀看逆轉勝賽事的過程當中,觀眾的懸疑感與享樂感會有何變化。 本研究發現逆轉勝運動賽事能夠帶來較高的享樂感,且在觀看逆轉勝的過程當中,觀眾的享樂感變化程度也較強烈。逆轉勝的比分變化特性、觀眾的情感傾向以及觀眾對比賽結果的預測等因素,皆會對觀賽過程中的懸疑感與享樂感造成影響。此外,觀眾越覺得逆轉勝比賽是懸疑的,則會反應出越高程度的享樂感,兩者的關聯性在情感傾向低者當中較為顯著。
In this study, we tried to understand why the phenomenon of comeback victory could entertain sports spectators so much more. Using score changes, dispositions toward winning team, and viewer’s expectation as independent variables, we examined viewer’s suspense and enjoyment. There were two experiments designed to explore sports spectators’ suspense and enjoyment while viewing the phenomenon of comeback victory. In Study 1, we found that viewing the phenomenon of comeback victory was more enjoyable. Furthermore, shifts in viewer’s enjoyment were more intense. In Study 2, we examined dynamics of viewing the phenomenon of comeback victory. The result showed that score changes, dispositions toward winning team, and viewer’s expectation could affect suspense and enjoyment. The interaction effects of independent variables were more complicated in suspense than in enjoyment. Interestingly, viewer’s suspense predicted more enjoyment with lower dispositions toward winning team.
Appears in Collections:Thesis