標題: 參數式設計應用於產品創作與探討
Using Parametric Design in Product Creation.
作者: 李昇祐
Lin, Ming-Huang
關鍵字: 參數式設計;衍生式設計;數位製造;Grasshopper;Parametric Design;Generative Design;Digital Manufacturing;Grasshopper
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 一直以來,電腦的運用不斷改變設計的流程,從電腦輔助繪圖逐漸演變成電腦輔助設計、設計運算,「參數式設計」被認為是革命性的觀念與方法。以往產品設計中都是型隨機能,或經驗判斷決定設計的形式,參數式設計的出現帶動了不同的思考方式,透過參數模型,設計師能夠即時的評估與判斷產品的可行性,加上近年來數位製造技術的突破,給予了設計師在設計上更多新的可能。 本研究以運用參數式設計工具當作產品創作的主軸,探討如何將參數化設計應用於設計過程中,考慮現有製造流程與參數模型之間搭配的方式,將設計過程及製程和傳統設計方式做比較,整理出參數化設計可能遇到的優缺點,藉此探討參數式設計的思維與創作方式,並可作為後續學習者的參考依據。 最後,研究者希望透過本研究的資料整理與創作成果,讓更多設計者能快速掌握參數式設計工具與方法,進而專注於創作新型態的設計概念。
All along, computer continuous changes the design process, from Computer Aided Drafting and gradually evolved into computer-aided design, design computing. "Parametric Design" is considered as the revolutionary concepts and methods. In the past, product design is always “form follow function” or judges the design through experience. The emergence of parametric design leads to a different way of thinking. Designers can evaluate the product by the parameter model in the short time. With the progress and mature of digital manufacturing, designers have more new possibilities in creation. By using the parametric design tool as the main product creation, this research examine how the parametric design has been used in the design process. Meanwhile, it will take existing manufacturing processes into account in order to match the parameters models. This research will compare above result with the traditional way in order to sort out the parametric design advantages and disadvantages that may be encountered. At the same time, it will explore the parameters of design thinking that creative ways and can serve as a reference for subsequent learners. Finally, the researchers hope that, through this study, more designers can quickly grasp the parametric design tools and methods, and then focus on the creation of new types of design concepts.


  1. 252501.pdf

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