標題: 整合網站結構圖與知識概念圖的群體知識視覺化系統
A Visualization Tool for the Sitemap of a Knowledge Portal and the Concept Map of Group Knowledge
作者: 林宜立
關鍵字: 知識入口網站;概念圖;網站地圖;群體知識;解題環境;knowledge portal;concept map;sitemap;group knowledge;problem-solving environment
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 網站的建立方式通常可分為兩種,傳統的建構方式,通常會先有網站藍圖(sitemap),網站開發人員再依此藍圖來架構整個網站並增加網站內容。另一種方式就像一般知識入口網站的架構過程,先分析各別專業需求,再依照其實體理論模型(ontology) 設定內容型別,之後便由使用者各自建立內容並互相分享,其網站內容不斷增加,但後續發展並非按照完整的網站藍圖(sitemap)逐步進行。值得注意的是,知識入口網站的內容,一方面以個別網頁的形式呈現,另方面則又同時具有特定的知識概念與意義。康乃爾大學(Cornell University) Joseph D. Novak教授曾對知識結構提出知識概念圖(concept map)的模型,其所支持的建構式理論,經實證為正確性極高的知識模型。我們相信,如能自動產生知識入口網站的網站結構圖,亦將能有效反映整個網站中的專業知識概念。 在本文中,我們針對一個已發展的演算法問題協力解題環境的知識網站(OpenCPS),開發一套知識入口網站(knowledge portal)的結構圖產生器(sitemap generator),這項研究結合知識管理(knowledge management)的技術與知識概念圖(concept map)的構想,以視覺化的方法觀察此演算法問題解題環境網站上群體知識(group knowledge)的組織狀態。我們的實作結果顯示出,這項視覺化的管理及檢示技術可以很有效地呈現群體知識,以作為數位教學的題材或是專業使用者修正與增加內容的依據。
Contents of a website can be constructed by two means. Conventional websites usually have a sitemap initially. Using this map as a blueprint, the website designers develop the web pages of the content and add links to the content of a website, such as the homepage of National Chiao Tung University. On the other hand, knowledge portal websites do not have sitemaps to outline the contents in advance. A knowledge portal site allows its members to create and share their own knowledge objects. The website therefore grows itself unlimitedly and unexpectedly just like a coral. Interestingly, the knowledge objects of a knowledge portal are not only represented in web pages but also associated with conceptual elements defined within a given ontology. In this regard, we attempt to develop a visualization tool to display the sitemap of knowledge portal and observe the concept map of group knowledge. We chose a locally developed knowledge portal, i.e. the Open Computational Problem Solving (OpenCPS) Knowledge Portal, as the practice platform of our visualization tool. Using this visualization tool, users are allowed to monitor the sitemap after the contents are built, and can thereby examine the formation of group knowledge. In this thesis, we demonstrate that the group knowledge of this knowledge portal not only can serve as an aggregation of content for learning purposes, but also can get enhanced from users’ feedback.


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