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dc.contributor.authorJan, Ya-Yinen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來,歐美市場趨於成熟與飽和,全球的目光逐漸轉移到成長動能強劲的新興市場上,數據資料也顯示新興市場已成為全球經濟最大的成長動能。但是這個市場對於大多數的企業來說,極具挑戰性,因為新興市場和過去我們熟知的已開發市場不同,每一個國家都有自己特殊的市場文化,而且內部也尚有像是基礎建設不全、法制不明、貪污腐敗等問題,很多經營與銷售模式都要一改再改,期能找到適合當地的成功方程式,過程中,不少企業都因此折翼而返。因此,如何找到適合的進入模式,在市場站穩腳步是很重要的第一步,而後續的市場經營模式則更需要完善的策略規畫與執行。友訊科技是台灣在新興市場經營上頗有收穫的企業,以2012年來說,光是新興市場和亞太地區就貢獻了65%的營收,其中中國、印度和俄羅斯更是公司的發展重點。 俄羅斯對於國人來說是一個較為陌生、神秘的國家,但是事實上,俄羅斯是全球第九大經濟體,網際網路用戶數居歐洲國家之冠,網路通訊設備產品的需求力強大,電信設備市場也持續向上成長。因此,本研究選擇以俄羅斯做為新興市場的代表市場。 本研究利用個案研究法,深入研究個案公司「友訊科技」在俄羅斯市場的經營,探討其進入模式的選擇與市場經營策略。首先,本研究分別對網通設備產業與俄羅斯市場進行分析,接著再進入到個案公司的分析。最後研究結果顯示,目標市場的內外部因素會共同影響企業進入模式的選擇,並且隨著時間的拉長,企業會考慮提高對當地市場的控制力。因為新興市場不確定因素多、風險高,不貿然躁進,謹慎評估、做好事前準備工作,能跳得更高。在進入市場後,因為當地市場文化的特殊性,外人不易了解,在地化的經營模式十分重要,個案公司更以鄉村包圍城市的策略,一步步打下各個區域市場,與通路商合作把市場做大,共創雙贏。期盼本研究能給予對新興市場有興趣的企業一些幫助,發展出自己的成功方程式。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the U.S and European markets tend to become mature. The world’s attention shifts to the emerging markets which have strong growing force. However, these markets are challenging to most business, because they are very different from the developed markets we are familiar with. Every country has its own special market culture, so the managing and selling mode have to be revised again and again to fits local market. D-Link is a Taiwanese company which operates well in emerging markets. In 2012, emerging markets and the Asia-Pacific region alone contributed 65% of revenue, and among them, China, India, and Russia are the company’s shinning stars. To fellow countrymen, Russia is a mysterious country. But, in fact, Russia is the world's ninth largest economy. There is large demand for the network communication equipment, and telecom equipment market keeps growing up. Therefore, this study chooses Russia as a representative of the emerging markets. This research uses case study method, and we discuss operation in Russia market of the case company, D-Link, trying to explore its market entry mode decision and market managing strategy. The final results show that the internal and external factors of target market will jointly influence the company’s market entry mode decision, and company will consider increasing the control of the local market as time goes by. After entering the market, due to the distinctive features of local market which is uneasy for foreigners to cope with, localization is essential in the business model. The case company puts emphasis on each regional market and cooperates with distributors to expand the market and create a win-win situation. Hoping this research can give some help to those companies which are interested in the emerging markets and develop their own formula for success.en_US
dc.subjectemerging marketsen_US
dc.subjectnetwork communication industryen_US
dc.subjectentry modeen_US
dc.subjectbusiness modelen_US
dc.titleEntering and Managing the Emerging Markets —a Case of D-Link Corporation in Russiaen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis