Title: | 台灣背光模組廠產品選擇的策略研究 A Study of the Product Strategies of Taiwan Backlight Suppliers |
Authors: | 鍾順富 Chung, Shun-Fu 朱博湧 Chu, Po-Young 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 背光模組;導光板技術;產品策略;財務指標;平板電腦;Backlight;Light Guide Injection;Product Strategy;Financial indices;Flat Panel |
Issue Date: | 2013 |
Abstract: | 本論文主要討論以背光模組為主要產品的台灣兩間背光模組的公司,如何因為選擇的主力產品不同而造成截然不同的發展結果。在2010年蘋果電腦推出輕薄的iPad平板電腦後,立刻取代了當時擁有短暫榮景的小筆電。也因此平板電腦產品更輕薄的需求,使得面板及其零組件的供應鏈也發展出了新的機會。在金融海嘯之前,台灣兩家最大的面板背光模組廠瑞儀光電與中強光電,都同時擁有小中大尺寸背光模組的技術及出貨能力。但在金融海嘯後市場需求復甦時,兩家公司卻採取了不同的產品技術發展比重。中強光電選擇著重單體成品出貨單價較高,且投資成本較低的中大尺寸背光模組發展,所以短時間內就可看見營收的成效,但在長期的發展上並無明顯助益;另一方面的瑞儀光電則選擇著重導光板技術門檻較高的平板電腦小尺寸發展,短期內對於營收回復的狀況並不明顯,但在長期發展上卻因為在小尺寸背光模組的技術提升而逐漸拉開與競爭對手的差異,最後幾乎獨佔了所有主要品牌的平板電腦產品供應。本論文以波特的五力分析、價值鏈分析,並配合背光模組客戶端的面板產品方向,指出瑞儀光電是如何以正確的產品策略搭配公司的技術優勢發展,建立起與客戶間緊密地供應鏈關係。另一方面從瑞儀光電與中強光電的財務報表比較,分析兩間台灣主要的背光模組廠2010-2012年的財務指標表現,顯示結果瑞儀光電在對的產品策略下,持續地取得背光模組市場的領先地位。最後則提出對台灣兩大背光模組廠,在客戶改變供應鏈模式及產品變化的狀況下的建議。 Strategies play a significant role for developing an enterprise’s competiveness, in particular, in the current era of globalization. This thesis uses two Taiwan-based companies as an example to demonstrate how different marketing campaigns have led these two companies to different positions in the back light supplying industry. In early 2010, netbook(small size notebook)was soon replaced by a line of tablet, named iPad, launched by Apple Inc. The demand of tablet has provided new opportunities to the supply chain of flat panel display and related components makers. Radiant and Coretronic are two of the companies capable with supplying all size of back light models for their customers in the world. The situation forced them to adopt different marketing campaigns. Based on production lines, unlike the back light model used for small size display panel requiring for a higher level of technology and more for investment on new injection equipment, those used for large and medium size display panels, had higher price but less requirements for technical investment. On the other hand, for panel makers, the cost of back light model, following glasses and color filters, usually had a major impact on their material cost breakdown. It then led the customers either continuously to building backlight modules in-house or buying them from internally. Eventually, while Coretronic focus on supplying the models for large and medium size panels, Radiant took the challenges of supplying small backlight modules which required higher light guide injection technology. The context is has adopted the principles of Porter’s five forces and value chain to framework analyze how Radiant Opto-Electronics has benefited from the successful marketing strategy to enhance its strength in the supply chain to its customers. In addition, from the financial reports of these two companies during 2010-2012, the financial indices also show that Radiant has been continuously taking the leading place in its industry due to its successful product strategy. By the end, it concludes with some suggestions to LCD and/or back light module suppliers about how to take reactions when customers change their products and supply chain. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/74047 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |