標題: 愛麗絲漫遊奇境:從情境看建築
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: A Reading on Architectural Scenario
作者: 吳雅婷
Wu, Ya-Ting
Tseng, Chun-Tei
關鍵字: 空間場景;Scenario
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本文借由書寫呈現事物與空間可感知的面向,內文在關於語言與想像的前提下以創作的方式,改寫《愛麗絲漫遊奇境》的故事,利用敘事說明空間場景與設計思考,接著輔以圖說方式讓故事裡闡述的內容能夠視覺化,也就是利用故事所具有的繪圖性來描述空間場景。 利用空間陳述故事可視為一種空間實驗,本文創造一個充滿高低起伏的空間,無法想像的格子堆疊,猶如進入到一座迷宮中,看不到盡頭,讓愛麗絲卸下身體原有的尺度感與習慣,在她重新找尋自我的同時,創造一連串跳脫常識的經歷。 接著在本文中加入三個設計及思考,主題分別從三個動詞「改變」、「觀察」,與「交換」出發,拆解設計思考時的過程與記錄,試圖重新提出詮釋的論說,最終使用故事貫穿本文。
This thesis constructs an adventure on architectural space by adapting ''Alice's Adventures in Wonderland',' which is written by Lewis Carroll. Using the narrative to visualize the spaces and layouts, this thesis also aims to seek the real identity of the characters and to vitalize the described spaces. This mode of analysis can be seen as a type of spatial experiment, with the thesis creating a fantastical space full of ups and downs, like blocks staggered in all directions. One will feel as if entering a maze with no end in sight, and like Alice, create a series of unexpected experiences by surrendering the original sense of self. There are three designs and ways of thinking in this thesis, inspired by the verbs 'change', 'observe', and 'exchange,' that record more ways of utilizing design thinking and processes, and attempt to make an exact statement by utilizing the way of narrative and dialogue.


  1. 752201.pdf
  2. 752202.pdf
  3. 752203.pdf

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